6 Dangers of Losing Weight Too Fast

In this fast-paced world that we live in, people want things fast and they want it now. We have fast food, fast service drive-through at the bank, and even fast oil changes. Some things are just better when they are fast! Weight loss would be better if it happened fast too with a good weight loss supplement, but it might be a better idea to keep that a little on the slow side, read ahead to find out 6 dangers of losing weight too fast and perhaps you will consider keeping that one part of your life, slow.

  • The Formation of Painful Gallstones

Gallstones are actually a quite common side effect of losing weight too fast. Losing more than 1-2lbs per week is a sure-fire way to promote the formation of gallstones. When our bodies attempt to metabolize fats too quickly, this causes the liver to secrete more cholesterol into the bile and with this overload comes the formation of little balls (gallstones) of cholesterol built up in the gallbladder.

Gallstones can cause many issues and symptoms such as severe pain in the abdominal area, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and cramping.

  • Liver Damage

Our livers are a cleansing organ and you can keep it in good health by taking an Omega 7 supplement like Ultra Omega Burn. Livers do a lot of work to keep our bodies free of toxins and when rapid weight loss occurs, this can put additional stress on your liver.  

Liver damage is the next step after gallstones in this dangerous rapid weight loss sequence. When gallstones occur, they can obstruct the bile duct and lead to liver damage.

Also, rapid weight loss can cause what’s known as ‘Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease from having too much fat stored in the liver cells.

  • Slower Metabolism

We want to burn fat efficiently and be able to keep it off, but with losing weight too quickly by extreme caloric restriction, this can actually have quite the opposite effect. After staying on a severely restricted calorie diet for some time, the body begins to conserve energy for our brain and other organ functions, by doing so, the rate at which we burn calories is slowed up tremendously.

When we go back to eating normally, and with the slower metabolism, the weight will then increase.

  • Nutrient Deficiencies

Eating less, means eating fewer nutrients. When we restrict our food amounts or even entire food groups in order to lose weight quickly, this can cause the body to become deficient in essential vitamins, minerals and even macro-nutrients as well, causing health issues to occur over time.

Going back off of these types of diets can lead to overeating and rapid weight gain due to the fact that the body is depleted and the brain is looking to fulfill those needs, making you feel extremely hungry.

  • Unbalanced Fluids

In order to maintain proper fluid balance in the body, we need to intake the right amounts of electrolytes.  When you lose weight too quickly, the first part of it is typically water weight which can lead to mineral loss and throw the whole body out of balance.

Electrolytes play a vital role in keeping your muscles, most importantly your heart muscle, working and functioning properly, when fluids are lost and minerals are lost this can make for a dangerous situation.

  • Depression

Rapid weight loss can cause many hormonal changes in the body. These changes and imbalances can not only lead to physical issues such as acne and missed periods (for women), but they can also cause mental issues such as depression in some people.

Depression can be mild or severe depending on the individual, but in either case, it’s always important to seek professional advice when dealing with it.


It would be nice for weight loss to occur fast for most people, but it’s just not safe to lose weight so rapidly as you can see. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to feed your body the right balance of healthy foods and clean water, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and try to keep your stress levels at bay.

A safe amount of weight to lose is 0.5-1lb per week. You can safely do this by reducing your portions and shying away from unhealthy foods that contain little nutrients. Slow and steady always wins the weight loss race.