Are you having trouble with sexual performance in the bedroom? Erectile Dysfunction, also known as impotence, affects more men than you may know. In fact, 30 million men in the U.S. are believed to suffer from erectile dysfunction. So you’re not alone.
Erectile dysfunction, also known as ED means you can’t get or maintain an erection during sex. A number of reasons can contribute to ED, including experiencing low libido or a lack of desire to have sex.
But don’t worry. There are medications and natural home remedies for erectile dysfunction since many men don’t want to take pharmaceutical drugs.
In this post, you’ll learn about the three major natural home remedies that fight ED. Without further delay, here’s what you need to know about ED and the natural alternatives to improve your sexual performance.
You Don’t Need Drugs: Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction
If you don’t want to take pharmaceutical drugs, there are natural remedies that can help. Learn about three drug-free remedies to treat erectile dysfunction.
First, See A Doctor to Rule Out Other Conditions
If your impotence lasts beyond a month, you may want to seek treatment from your doctor to see if there are any physical conditions affecting your sex drive.
The first thing to do is visit your physician to make sure you don’t have any medical issues that can contribute to impotence. Issues such as medicines you take could be a factor in low sexual performance.
Your ED can also be a symptom of heart disease or high cholesterol, so check it out with a physician before you go forward with ED remedies.
Once your doctor makes a diagnosis and reviews your medications, there are several treatments available to you. Typical treatments include medications, vacuum pumps, implants, and surgery.
But many men prefer natural remedies and research has shown they can help.
How Your Mental Health Can Effect ED
For some men, your mental health can affect impotency. Conditions such as fatigue, sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, and stress can be a factor.
These conditions can result in a loss of sexual excitement. While it’s true that sexual intercourse can reduce stress, it can also inhibit sexual performance.
Another issue that influences sexual performance becomes difficult relationships. If you are going through a breakup or divorce, that can take a toll on your body and mind.
Having fights outside the bedroom can carry over into the bedroom. If you find yourself arguing with your partner, strive to have open communication instead of keeping relationship issues to yourself.
How Are Your Diet and Lifestyle?
Your diet and lifestyle can influence ED, especially when you’re aging. Check out some details.
Making some positive changes to your diet and lifestyle such as eating right, maintaining a healthy weight and getting regular exercise improves sexual function and the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.
Cutting down on smoking, alcohol consumption, caffeine and sugar can also help.
Now that you’ve seen a doctor and looked at your mental and physical health, here are three best home remedies for erectile dysfunction.
Three Major Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction
If you’ve done all you can to relieve stress in your relationships, and reviewed your diet and lifestyle, here are three home remedies that can help.
1. Panax Ginseng
Panax ginseng, also known as red ginseng is what natural homeopaths call herbal Viagra. Researchers find that taking 600 to 1,000 milligrams three times a day can improve ED.
Ginsenosides in red ginseng affect erectile dysfunction at a cellular level and have known to improve erections in some men.
The herb becomes most effective for men that have metabolic syndrome as well as high lipids in their blood.
The characteristics of Panax ginseng can reduce erectile dysfunction. It works on regulating blood flow. The supplement also improves lung function and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
2. L-arginine
The amino acid, L-arginine has been around for years. It has been given to help regulate heart function. This amino acid produces nitric oxide that is present in the body.
The nitric oxide relaxes your blood vessels, fostering healthy sexual functioning and causes an erection.
Studies have shown that L-arginine affected thirty-one percent of men with ED who took five grams of L-arginine every day. The result was major improvements in sexual performance.
This study also showed that men combined L-arginine with Pycnogenol, a plant from tree bark, the men’s sexual performance came back eighty percent after two months and ninety-two percent after three months.
3. DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
Our adrenal glands produce the natural hormone, Dehydroepiandrosterone. It turns into testosterone and estrogen in our bodies. This hormone is made from soy and wild yam.
When men age they have low levels of DHEA which can affect sexual function. Studies have shown that men with erectile dysfunction who took DHEA showed major improvements. They were able to get an maintain erections.
Recently men who have both erectile dysfunction and diabetes have been prescribed DHEA supplements to help hormone issues.
Taken as a treatment, DHEA has improved the transfer of blood to organs in the body which diabetes can inhibit.
The thing to know about DHEA is there can be side effects. While the supplement can help ED and even help depression, it can raise blood pressure and affect the liver.
Other Natural ED Treatments
Above you’ve learned about the major natural remedies for erectile dysfunction, but other supplements can help.
Men have received help from other alternative supplements such as zinc. They work especially well if you are a man who is low in zinc.
The natural herb Ashwagandha, it’s also known as Indian ginseng is among other herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction. So is ginkgo biloba.
But before you pop a supplement into your mouth, make sure to see a doctor familiar with the side effects of supplements.
Final Words About Three Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction
Now you know three home remedies for erectile dysfunction. If you have ED they could be your solution to healthy sexual performance. But always see your physician or nutritionist before you begin taking any supplements.
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