Aging is a natural part of life and something we should embrace rather than deny. Instead of trying to avoid getting older, we should accept aging as a natural process, and something that provides plenty of experience and wisdom! Yet, as natural and enlightening as aging can be, it can also come with certain health concerns.
After all, as you get older, your body does too, you may start noticing certain health concerns that you didn’t in your younger years. The good news is that you can prevent some of these by noticing them early on and managing them accordingly. If you’re getting older, here are some of the most common health concerns that you may start noticing pop up.
Vision Problems
Our eyes can start to wear out on us as we get older. We may find ourselves squinting to read tiny text, or getting a headache after looking at a screen for a long period of time. In some cases, this may be as simple as getting corrective eye surgery or a pair of reading glasses. If you start noticing that small text is getting more difficult to read in your older years, know that this is entirely normal and natural. Your eyes are one of the first things to degrade as you get older, and usually, an optometrist can help you find the right solutions.
Arthritis is something that pops up as a result of extreme wear and tear on the joints. If you had a profession for many years that required you to use the same muscle over and over, it can eventually deteriorate your cartilage. Unfortunately, this can lead to stiffness, extreme pain, and even reduced mobility in certain joints.
However, you can avoid this happening by maintaining a healthy weight and trying to stay in shape. From engaging in activities like walking, to engaging in muscle-strengthening activities like lifting weights, you can decrease your chances of developing arthritis and subside any symptoms.
Memory Loss
As we get older, many of us experience occasional forgetfulness. We may forget where we put our keys or even stress about forgetting whether we turned the oven on or off before we left the house. These sorts of episodes are usually fairly harmless, and very common. However, in some extreme cases, people may start to experience severe cognitive decline and even dementia. Severe forgetfulness or disorientation may be a sign of something more serious like Alzheimer’s.
To keep your brain strong, try to get enough sleep, and engage in brain-strengthening activities like sudoku, or puzzles. Think of your brain like a muscle— the more that you exercise it, the less likely you are to experience memory-related issues. You can also reduce your chances of developing cognitive decline by eating plenty of healthy foods that are rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, and avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.
Sadly, obesity is one of the most common concerns among older adults in the United States. High blood sugar levels result in insulin resistance, and ultimately diabetes. While aging is often associated with changes in your metabolism, you can avoid developing diabetes by keeping an active lifestyle and limiting your consumption of sugar.