Common Disabilities That Are Approved for Social Security Disability Insurance

Common Disabilities That Are Approved for Social Security Disability Insurance

Social Security Disability FormPerhaps the worst part of any disability is feeling like you’re not as able to contribute. No one should have to feel that way, and that’s why we all pay into social security. We’re all part of a larger community of people, strengthened even more by the contributions we make to those who aren’t as capable or who have aged to retirement. Because not all conditions automatically enable social security disability benefits, you might have to manually apply for a specific set of circumstances on your own. Here are some common disabilities that might qualify you for social security disability insurance without that need.

You might not think that high blood pressure is a disability, but it can be. Depending on the severity of any heart condition, including blood clots within the cardiovascular system, you might be granted a social security benefit. This is also true of other systems that keep your body running. If you have a digestive disorder like celiac disease or hepatitis, you have a case. Glandular conditions that result in obesity or thyroid disorders can also slow you down.

The immune system is one of the most important, because it’s what helps protect your body from disease and infection. When it isn’t working properly for any reason, whether biological or accidental, the results can be catastrophic. Even allergies can greatly affect one’s lifestyle. Inflammatory bowel disease (or IBD) can affect your productivity at work, especially if you have no choice but to visit the bathroom every few minutes.

When the musculoskeletal and respiratory systems malfunction, you know it quickly. The former might result in limited mobility because of stiffening muscles or joint pain, while the latter can affect your ability to take in even a short burst of air. Sensory disorders that result in diminished ability to see and hear can also result in social security disability eligibility.

This is just the short list. Ask yourself whether your condition prevents you from earning as much as you might otherwise. Are you out of work entirely? These are the questions that need to be answered before you apply for a social security benefit.

Applying for disabilities can be a painstaking process, especially if you haven’t worked long enough or paid enough into the social security pool to get much back when on disability. When this is the case, a Supplemental Security Income will help you out based on your individual need. The less money you make, the more you’ll get. Be sure to speak with an attorney who specializes in disability if you’re not sure how to apply. You might be eligible for a greater benefit than you thought!