Did You Know Where You Live Could Be Having an Impact on Your Health?

It is said that in a single lifetime we will move house on average 11.7 times. People decide to move house for many reasons, be it location, a first home, an expanding family, or downsizing after retirement. 

A lot of the time, a new life chapter comes hand in hand with a house move. As we grow and change our lives, we prioritize different aspects of a home but are differing budgets always restrain our options. 

But our budgets don’t mean we have to live somewhere that is bad for our physical and mental health. 

Where we live day in, day out has a significant impact on our wellness positively and unfortunately negatively. We have all moved house due to unhappiness about its location; when it just wasn’t suitable for what we wanted out of life at that point. 

To avoid disappointment now when we choose our next move, We always take into consideration these 3 points. 

Open spaces 

All of us have discovered over the years that at least one open space like a park or a beach is crucial for the wellness of the mind. These areas allow you to step out of your chaotic world for a brief moment, to enjoy the calm and serenity of nature. 

They are a great place to socialize with friends and meet other people, putting aside life distractions, Allowing for some me time and opportunity for exercise or relaxation all in one spot. 

Noise Pollution Levels 

Everyone has lived in some seriously noisy places at some point that have eventually been the reason for a hasty move. There is nothing worse than having constant background noise so that you can’t even hear yourself think. 

Don’t let traffic noise or noisy neighbors be the reason for dread when coming home or trying to sleep, even if you have to live in a busy area. Take time to visit the location first and step back and listen before deciding to move in. 


Choosing an area with ample amenities is essential for a comfortable and productive life. This is a factor that we have failed to take into consideration time and time again. Moving to a house away from the hustle and bustle sounds like a great option.

But this choice also means having to travel for amenities like shops, pharmacies, and work. Often having to commute for a loaf of bread and regretting the decision to move on the drive.

Meeting with friends is also a lot harder, and public transport options can become sparse. While a more solitude life is ideal for some, for others, this can make everyday tasks a chore, instantly creating a bad mood. 

Final Thoughts 

The real estate market understands that these points are often uncompromisable when deciding to move. That’s why more and more revitalized and purpose-built areas like Lincoln Towers NYC are popping up on every corner. 

These neighborhoods put health and wellbeing at the forefront of design. Ensuring the people that live there have everything they need for a happy life. A developed neighborhood is the perfect choice for anyone searching for a home that has everything on the doorstep.