Easy Hacks To Shed The Post Pregnancy Fat

Bringing a new life into this world also ushers in a host of changes in one’s body. To start with you lose your much envied figure and might also suffer from reduced immunity. It’s very common for new moms to easily get depressed with their Unwanted Weight Gain. But don’t ever do the mistake of following the celebrity moms. They usually undergo extreme measures which might not suit your purpose. The best option is to give it some time and follow it up with brisk exercises and proper diet. Today we shall share some such life hacks which can help you win the weight battle without being too strenuous on your vulnerable body.

  • Starving can never be the option

You just gave birth to baby. Your body surely is not at its strongest level. Thus you will need a constant inflow of healthy food and fluid to rebuild your strength and gain that much needed immunity to fight off infections. Dieting can never be an option now. Since you will be breastfeeding your baby, whose meal depends entirely on you, having a well-nourished diet is a must. You can consult your dietician and ask them to prepare a proper diet chart for you. Post -partum depression is very common amongst ladies nowadays. But munching on healthy snacks can go a long way in fighting the same off which otherwise might cause further weight accumulation.

  • Brisk Walking

Whether you opt for normal or caesarean delivery, brisk walking is something you can start almost immediately. To start off keep your pace slow only to increase with time as your body becomes more relaxed and pain-free. Take baby steps in the beginning with just fifteen to twenty minutes of mild walking and slowly increase it to one hour a day.

  • Breastfeed your little one

Several women share the common view that breastfeeding has helped them in reducing weight. Usually 300-500 calories get burned every time you breastfeed. It acts as an exercise for both the mother and the baby. However don’t forget to maintain your normal food intake as your child’s health will depend totally on your body’s nutrient level.

  • Deep Breathing

This exercise is dedicated towards abdominal and stomach areas. This exercise can be done by mommies just within hours of childbirth. You need to sit straight and proceed with the same by inhaling deeply from your diaphragm. Try contracting your abs while doing the same. Stay relaxed when breathing out. Also count seconds while holding your breath. Start with ten seconds and try increasing the same gradually. This easy to do exercise can be done at all times without anyone taking notice of the same.


  • Waist Training


Waist trainers can be worn around the waist at all times. Other than providing posture support, it also helps in reducing weight. Earlier the waist trainer versions came with hidden disadvantages causing detrimental effect one one’s body in the long run. But with significant improvement off late, The Waist Trainers Can Surely Be Recommended For New Moms.

These are some basic pointers which can bring back your original energy level and help you get back in shape after the pregnancy ordeal. Also don’t forget to get enough sleep in spite of your hectic schedule. Sleeping less can cause weight gain by releasing stress hormones. We wish a happy post-pregnancy time to you.