How to Properly Moisturize Your Skin

Moisture, hydration and water content that protects, lubricates, and provides a healthy environment for the skin is paramount to its importance. Everyone wants younger, more healthy skin that looks, feels, and is cared for. As one ages cells change and so does the skin. It is beneficial to address and make moisturizing a practice and priority that is never overlooked. Having typically dry, oily or combination skin requires varied moisturizers and even different protocols. Issues that often arise when not taken care of are dryness, blemishes, discoloration, acne and so much more like crepiness and wrinkles.

Climate or weather impact the skin whether hot or cold causing flakiness, roughness and even sensitivity. The goal should and always will be youth, anti-aging, healthy skin that takes effort to attain through direct or support methods. Helen Schifter knows this very well and has embraced efforts to not only moisturize the skin but include hair to this equation. She applies principles above as well as the following to properly moisturize.

Humidifiers will keep moisture in the air which is therapeutic in preventing dryness so start there. Add cleansing agents that are skin friendly perfume, additive and alcohol free are helpful. When it comes to showers the hotter the water the more it is probable to dry out and strip away the necessary oil layer of the skin that is present and keeps it balanced and healthy. Remember hydration and rehydration are the goal to nourish and seal in water. Schifter recommends appliances such as heating tools and bleaching be lessened to avoid damage to the hair. To moisturize hair is to strengthen it and vitamin supplements along with oils like tea tree are a must, limiting parabens and healthy moisturized hair will be the result.

Now adding in ingredients or products to the skin will help to moisturize and with a bit of knowledge it can be pretty easy. How about attraction builders like ceramides that are in products to promote this? With names like lecithin, hyaluronic acid, and sorbitol you do not have to go for greasy or thick but efficient. Especially these days formulation of creams, lotions, have improved. There are some really great and yes proven moisturizers available and doing research will prove worth it.

For the naturalistas out there options are plentiful to moisturize using a more holistic approach. These natural skin moisturizers include:

  • oils
  • avocado
  • shea butter
  • aloe
  • milk and honey

Oils applied to the skin like Argan, coconut, and olive work wonders to promote healthy happy skin. Avocado is known to be prime for facial applications like masks as it has healthy fats and nutrients the skin responds well to. Shea butter with vitamin e and A is a great moisturizer even known to calm down eczema in some cases. Aloe is another great natural plant that works to anti age along with healing the skin. Helen Schifter thinks it is so important to put your skin first and always moisturize from skin to hair as part of your daily routine.

Infographic Provided by American Residential Services