Important Tips For Your Indoor Herb Garden

There are various different reasons why growing herbs yourself is something you want to consider. The great thing about it is that you can do it indoors. The number of kitchen gardeners is actually growing at a pretty large rate at the moment. You can live in any apartment and still grow herbs indoors. However, this does not mean it is easy. It is always really important to learn all that you can about the various options available right now so you can choose the herbs that are best for your intended purpose and that you actually grow them in an appropriate way.

If you want to make your indoor herb garden better, here are some great tips to remember. They work great for anything from really common cooking herbs to Chinese herbs.

Choose The Best Spot

For growth, herbs need natural light. This is why they should be placed close to a window so a minimum of six hours of daily sun can be received. The best option is normally a window that is facing south, although other options are good, except north facing windows since they do not offer enough brightness. Choose spots that get enough sun throughout the entire day and you will get better herbs.

Always Have Great Drainage

If you want to ruin herbs, you just want to have bad drainage. If the roots sit in water, they will rot and the plant will die. You need to be sure that you use high quality no till planter parts, drain pans, liners or even a saucer so you can catch water while protecting the surface on which the pots lie. Clay saucers are not particularly good because moisture is allowed to pass through them. It is better to choose metal, rubber or plastic. Also, do use premium potting mixes as indoor herbs are potted. Drainage holes should always be present in the pots.

Typical Indoor Temperatures Are Recommended

Cooks love growing herbs indoors, especially during winter but you can grow the plants whenever you want to. An indoor herb normally prefers the temperatures that people love so when you are comfortable, the herb is too. During the night temperatures close to windows can drop so some people move the herbs. Do not make this mistake. The only thing you have to do is to keep the foliage from actually touching window glass.

One exception you want to remember is basil. Kitchen gardeners often really want this in their indoor gardens but make the mistake of keeping the herb on cool windowsills. This makes leaves fade and droop. Indoor temperatures also need to be higher during the night than with most other herbs.

Final Thoughts

While every single herb might have some special instructions you need to respect, the great thing about growing most of them indoors is that it is simple. Just focus on information and do be sure that you use high quality equipment, soil and that you never forget about light and drainage.