As summer approaches, the switch to warmer weather is encouraging more
of us to think about getting into shape. This can be a daunting task,
particularly if you are concerned you have overindulged and allowed your gym routine
to slip over the last few months. The idea of turning your attention back to
your fitness regime, improving your diet, and getting ready to flash some flesh
can all seem overwhelming, but rest assured that transformation is entirely
possible! Read on for our top tips to help you get in shape this summer, and be
proud to show off!
It is impossible to get in shape in a week, no matter what crash diets
and supplement bloggers tell you. Instead, this is a process which requires
dedication and commitment, and it is best to start as early as possible to get
the best results. It can help to have an end goal in sight, such as a vacation
date or particular event, and use this to plan your training programme. Aim for
small, steady successes and triumphs, and you will feel more motivated than by
setting yourself an unrealistic target.
On Food!
Exercise is essential, but it will not help unless you have a healthy, balanced diet to go with it. Take an interest in food, and make sure you really notice the things you are putting in your body. Try to cook from scratch as much as possible, and ensure that all of your meals have a good balance of everything you need to stay healthy. A good diet doesn’t have to mean existing on salads—explore blogs and Pinterest to be seriously inspired! If you don’t have time to cook, you might try a meal delivery service, such as Nutrisystem (additional details).
What Works For You
Every exercise is different, and it is important to take the time to
discover the one which you love. Enjoying your exercise means you will be far
more likely to stick with it and remain motivated. If working out feels like a
chore, you will soon become disheartened and likely to quit before you achieve
your goal.
What You Want
It helps to have a goal in your workout, and this can determine the
outcome, as well as the type of exercise you decide to pursue. Are you looking
to lose weight, or do you want to tone up all areas of your body? Do you need
to build lean muscle, or are you interested in dropping a dress size? A
personal trainer can be a worthwhile investment, as they can help you decide
which path is best for you, and help you start down your path.
The Small Things
Exercise and physical transformation can be hard work, and it is
important to celebrate your victories where you can. Have manageable goals
which you can easily track, and use these to give you the final push as things
get tougher down the journey to success. It is also an incredible experience to
see how far you have come when you achieve your goals— you will be seriously
impressed at your progress!