The Media’s Coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The media has played a pivotal role in providing invaluable information to the public about the Coronavirus and mitigation factors involved. Indeed, according to Ken Kurson, the media should be commended for highlighting some of the risks associated with the virus and the importance for members of the general public to proceed with caution and observe social distancing guidelines that have been put in place.

The pandemic has brought a lot of negative attention to the ways in which many have neglected the role that health and wellness should or has played in their lives. The reality is that more should be discussed concerning the obesity epidemic and other related catastrophic health situations plaguing young people and their health.

Ken Kurson is a member of the media who has shown a consistent desire to change this paradigm. It’s important for members of the media to shine a spotlight on issues concerning health and wellness so that awareness is raised about the importance of changing the ways in which we lead our daily routines. The reality is that there is a real opportunity to educate the public about these issues.

But policymakers have to do their part to change these behaviors as well. Surely there are ways they can go about enlightening the public about the importance of these various issues. It is in the public interest; and there are indeed few things that ought to trump the health of their citizens, in terms of importance. This is a fact that has not been lost on health experts, and for good reason.