The health care team is tasked with making sure that the patient gets the right treatment that he needs in a well-controlled environment that facilitates his fast recovery. However, it cannot be denied that there are a lot of factors affecting how well and how quickly a patient recovers from an illness, one of which is the quality of care that he is getting. Patient care is an important aspect of any illness or disease, and requires constant improvement over time.
Below are 5 ways on how patient care can be improved.
- Improve the model of care
Every health care institution has their own model of care, and more often than not, it’s not the quantity of health care providers that determine that institution’s treatment success, but rather, the quantity. Rather than focusing on getting as many staff members on the health care team as possible, health care facilities can benefit more from making sure that the staff that they do hire are dedicated to their jobs and have skills that can help them give the best care they possibly can. Additionally, good quality medical accessories and equipment can help the health care team perform their tasks better, and adjusting the health care facility processes can cut short the time that patients are on standby, making physicians and nurses be able to spend more time in actually rendering physical care to their patients.
- Accurate Referrals
Quick and accurate referrals are not only beneficial to the patient’s time and energy, it’s also beneficial to the health care team as they are able to address the illness that they are presented with early on. Getting the patient to the right specialist on the first referral boosts a patient’s satisfaction with the care and attention that he is getting, and is certainly a great way to improve patient care on any level.
- Focus on Patient Safety
A patient’s safety must be closely monitored in any instance of care, whether it be while blood is withdrawn for a laboratory exam, or when the patient is hooked up with ECG lead wires. It’s even more important to focus on patient safety when the patient himself cannot ensure and sustain his own, as in the case of a person in a coma or put to sleep by the effects of anesthesia. Safety in patient care is a given, and should be focused on with every medication or treatment given to the patient.
- Pursue a Personalized Approach
Granted, physicians and nurses alike have a lot of patients to see and attend to, which makes it very easy to use the busy card to not be able to spend much time with the patient. However, a more personalized approach to care not only provides comfort to the patient and his family, it also gives them confidence knowing that the health care team that’s in charge of the patient’s health and wellness is closely involved. Learning to recognize as well as respond to the various emotions that a patient might exhibit definitely makes a big impact in patient care.
- Increase Patient and Family Involvement
Patient care does not end at the hospital or health care facility, and it’s not isolated to what the physician and the rest of the health team can do, either. Rather, it continues on as the patient goes back home and re-integrates into his community and routine. As such, it is important to get both the patient and his family involved in his care plan. That way, everyone will know what signs to look out for in order to prevent a relapse of an illness, or simply to keep the patient’s health in good status. Allow the family to provide their inputs, and make sure that they understand the value of their efforts in maintaining the patient’s health and ensuring that his recovery goes smoothly.
- Emphasis on Follow Up
Patient care should go well beyond what has transpired in the operating room, doctor’s clinic, or hospital confinement. Making sure that the patient understands the necessity of a follow up and obtains an appointment for a follow up schedule is part of a thorough patient care plan. Not only will this ensure that the patient’s recovery beyond the health care facility is continuous, it also shows compassion, and a genuine interest in the his health.
Patient care is a dynamic aspect of health care which can benefit from gradual and constant improvements over time as our understanding of the human body and interaction works. Improving health care can lead to a better health care system that benefits everyone.