When planning a trip, travel insurance should be on your mind. Travel insurance can cover a myriad of issues that could come up. It covers everything from medical problems to lost luggage and delayed flights.
A comprehensive plan can cover all these potential issues and more. You should also know when to get it before you leave. In this guide, you’ll learn about the importance of travel insurance and when you should get the best plan for your trip.
Why You Need Travel Insurance
Most people assume that travel insurance is a waste of money. There might be a time when you could cancel your trip due to an unforeseen situation or emergency. Or, maybe your luggage and possessions get stolen during your vacation.
You might have to cancel or reschedule. Without travel coverage, you’re expected to pay out of pocket. Travel insurance offers peace of mind and covers the costs. Travel insurance can also protect you if your trip is interrupted by an injury, illness, or accident.
When to Get Travel Insurance
There are times when you won’t need travel insurance. It’s optional for most trips. You’ll only need coverage when you’re making an upfront investment in your trip.
You probably don’t need travel insurance if it’s a domestic trip. On the contrary, travel insurance is a must for traveling abroad. Most countries require travel insurance for international travelers. Find out if the country you’re traveling to requires travel insurance.
There are other situations where you might need travel insurance. If you have a situation that could cause you to delay or cancel your trip or to return early, you could need coverage. This is also the case when you are traveling during inclement weather.
Also, if your health insurance doesn’t offer coverage on your vacation or impose limits, you should get travel insurance. A comprehensive plan includes benefits that will cover you if you get sick.
Best Time to Book
You’re allowed to get travel insurance anytime before your trip. Ideally, you should get coverage as soon as you have your reservations. You don’t want to wait no later than 15 days before your trip. Before then, you should determine what kind of coverage is needed to protect your trip.
This could take a little research on your part. It also depends on what you plan to do during your trip and any risk factors associated with the location or activities. You can still purchase coverage after the 15-day mark. Keep in mind that it’ll cost more.
Travel insurance can save you in a pinch. You’ll save up to thousands of dollars for most situations. Fortunately, none of the covered issues happen and you pay for an unused service. The thing to know is that it offers peace of mind in the event of an emergency.
Think about the trip itself, the costs involved, and any circumstances that could cancel or interrupt your trip. If you’re cruising during hurricane season, it’s a good idea to get travel insurance. As always, review policies and coverage types.