With Summer Coming To a Close, Finish the Season Safely

The summer season is coming to a close, and if you and your family haven’t had any accidents yet, then you want to keep that record clean for this last chunk of time before new weather patterns hit. Depending on where you live, this conditions might be a bit variable, but if you adjust them to your personal parameters, you’ll still gain value from these basic safety tips.

Five types of injury and inconvenience that can still happen in the next month or so include accidents with your swimming pool, getting into poison ivy or poison oak, getting nasty allergies, getting sunburns or eye pain from bright skies, and accidents involving your summer tools and equipment.

Protect Against Pool Accidents

For most people, the swimming season is into its final stages, which means that you should be more careful than ever to follow swimming safety tips. The last few hurrahs that you have jumping in your pools, especially if they’re the permanent below-ground types, should be relaxing and enjoyable, and not stressful or accident prone because you’ve become complacent in your familiarity.

Avoid Poison Leaves and Plant Growth

As you’re doing your final gardening and weeding this year, watch our for poison ivy and poison oak. Just because it’s late in the seasons doesn’t mean that there won’t be hidden patches around, and if you catch a case of the itches, you’ll be scratching at your arms, ankles, and legs for the next several weeks to come. Learn to recognize their shapes and colors, and avoid them completely, or at least be sure to wear gloves at all times when gardening.

Take Care of Allergies Safely

Different allergies hit near the end of the summer. Be sure to understand which ones are annoying and which ones actually pose a threat. And remember, certain allergy medications will make you sleepy or loopy, so be sure to find ones that work, but also only use them when you don’t have to drive or do other serious things.

Protect Your Skin and Eyeballs

And just because the temperature is cooling down a bit doesn’t mean that you can’t get sunburned. And just because the sun isn’t quite as high in the sky doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. That gets more important as you get older, but don’t let your ego get in the way of your safety when it comes to personal protection!

Put Away Your Summer Tools

Putting away your summer tools means doing things like putting up your gardening rakes, your lawnmower, and your string trimmers. It means putting away ladders and other equipment that you’ve been using to make yard work efficient. Put it away right! Store your items safely, especially with regard to things like gasoline in the tanks or power supplies on their chargers.