5 Myths About Cremation (That You May Think Are True)

Cremation is continuing to become more and more popular in Western countries, due to its low cost, environmental-friendliness, and a number of other benefits. But due to this increase in popularity, there are many misconceptions and myths about cremation.

Learn more about the most common myths about cremation, and get the real scoop on what happens in a crematorium in Winnipeg! Whether you’re thinking about cremation for your end-of-life wishes, or you’re just curious, this article is sure to be insightful.

  1. The Cremains Are “Ashes”

Most people think that the “ashes” of a person are preserved inside their cremation urn. However, this is not the case. The actual term for what’s left after cremation is “cremains” – short for “cremated remains”, and these are not the ashes of the deceased person.

During cremation, the body is exposed to extremely high temperatures in a furnace. Everything except the bones is, essentially, reduced to gas and burned away. The bones remain, though, and after cremation is over, they are pulverized into a small, fine-grained powder, which does resemble ashes in some ways.

  1. Cremation Involves Fire

Again, this is a very common misperception. While cremation was performed using fire in days past, today it’s a very advanced process that uses a specialized “cremation furnace”.

The body is not exposed to any fire directly – but the air in the furnace is superheated to between 1,400 and 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit, which is hot enough for the body to become incinerated, despite there being no direct exposure to the flames. Think more like an oven – less like a fire pit.

  1. Cremated Individuals Can’t Wear Clothes

A cremation oven can burn both the body of a person and their clothes, so there is no real reason that clothing must be removed before cremation. In a direct cremation, which does not include a viewing or memorial service, the deceased is typically burned in whatever they were wearing when they passed – whether it be a hospital gown, street clothes, a dress, or anything else.

Of course, the deceased can also put information about what they would like to be burned in their will or last wishes, and crematoriums are willing to dress them however they desire, to ensure that these wishes are carried out.

  1. Scattering Cremains (Ashes) Is Illegal

You’ve probably heard stories about people being arrested for trying to scatter cremains in places like Disneyland, or in other public or private areas – and this may lead you to conclude that scattering cremains is illegal.

Actually, it isn’t – at least, not by default. You must secure approval from a property owner to scatter cremains on their property, and it’s not allowed in some public places, such as some beaches and natural parks without a permit. For example, you need a permit to scatter ashes in the Rocky Mountain National Park.

So, unless you have express permission to scatter cremains in a particular area, it may be illegal, even if you are just trying to carry out the last wishes of a loved one.

Your crematorium in Winnipeg may have more knowledge about local ordinances and laws, so you will want to consult with an employee and do your own research to ensure that you scatter cremains legally in Manitoba and the rest of Canada.

  1. You Have To Buy An Urn From The Funeral Home Or Crematorium

This is another myth. It may be more convenient to get an urn from the funeral home or a crematorium in Winnipeg, but they may be “marked-up” and more expensive, or they may not have the style of urn you want to use.

You are allowed to buy your own urn and provide it to a crematorium in Winnipeg – they have to use the urn that you want them to use, even if you don’t buy it from them directly.

Understand The Fact (And Fiction) About Cremation

Cremation is a great choice for those who want a low-cost, environmentally-friendly burial. So think about cremation, and decide if it’s right for you, or a loved one, today!