5 Surprising Causes of Sudden Tooth Sensitivity

Your teeth are very important but often taken for granted. Once your adult teeth arrive they need to last you a lifetime; but there is only one way to make sure they can do this. You need to look after them.

So if you suddenly develop tooth sensitivity it’s important to speak to a professional dentist, such as Dent8. However, before you go to your appointment you will find it helpful to understand the 5 most surprising ad common reasons for sudden tooth sensitivity:

  • Brushing Too Hard

You might not realize it but you can brush your teeth too hard. While it is important to brush along the gum line, doing this too hard will gradually cause the gums to recede. This will expose the tiny tubes that lead to your nerves.

The result is a sudden intolerance of cold or hot foods; even acidic food can cause an issue.

  • Tooth Grinding

Many people grind their teeth and it’s a difficult habit to stop. There are many reasons why you might start grinding your teeth; this makes it difficult to know how to stop.

Unfortunately when you grind your teeth you are wearing away the enamel. This is the hard protective outer coating. When this is worn away the dentin inside your tooth is exposed.

This is weaker and much more susceptible to temperature changes; making your tooth much more sensitive.

  • Tooth Whitening Toothpaste

Everyone wants their teeth to look as good as possible; the Hollywood smile is generally the ultimate goal.

But, tooth whitening toothpaste can actually be making your teeth more sensitive. This is simply a reaction to the powerful chemicals in the toothpaste.

If you have changed your toothpaste recently and suddenly develop tooth sensitivity then it is high likely the two events are linked. Switch toothpastes and see if the sensitivity fades.

  • Gum Disease

It is natural for gums to recede as you age. They can also be receding from brushing too hard. However, this opens a gap between the base of your enamel and your gums.

This gap is an attractive pocket for plaque and bacteria. The result can be weakened enamel and gum disease; also known as gingivitis.

This can cause your teeth to become sensitive. It is also important to note that this is a serious condition. You need to visit your dentist and discuss the best treatment for the issue.

  • Dental Procedures

As with any type of surgery you are almost certain to notice an increase in sensitivity after your dentist has been working on your mouth.

This is especially true if you have just had a crown fitted or root canal.

However, this type of sensitivity should disappear within a couple of weeks. If it doesn’t then you need to tell your dentist; they can resolve the issue.

This is not an exhaustive list of the causes of tooth sensitivity but you may be surprised by how many of these things you currently do. It’s not always easy to change your habits but it is worth trying!