Retirement can bring about a mixed bag of emotions. Even though we all look forward to the day we can smash our alarm clock for good and relax, there are certain beneficial things we can keep doing our entire lives.
As we get older, preparing to face the day by looking our best is a good way to stave of feelings of depression or the tendency toward isolation. We are more likely to be welcome in social or unexpected situations if we are confident that we look our best, so here are some tips for rocking your retirement (or approaching retirement) with style.
The do
Caring for aging hair can be challenging, but there are three main factors that help keep those follicles healthy and productive; diet, moisturization, and a little bit of zen. Moisturization happens from the inside out, so make sure to maintain a healthy diet that provides plenty of Omega-3 and biotin. Now that you have more time on your hands, there’s no excuse not to have a weekly deep-moisturizing routine with a rich protein hair mask.
If you haven’t changed your hairstyle in years, tell your hairdresser to surprise you; it will grow back if you don’t like it! The main thing is to allow yourself to have fun and love your hair again, instead of seeing it as a liability or a hassle. If you always wanted to try a certain style but were afraid of what your coworkers would say, now is the time to live on the edge!
The duds
Our clothes can speak volumes about our identity, sense of self-worth, and our level of enjoyment in life, especially now that there’s no dress code requirement. If you are enjoying your retirement in a community like Autumn Lake, a healthcare center in Chestertown, MD, looking snazzy on the way to the dining hall is a subtle morale booster that everyone deserves to feel. Whether you are volunteering, running errands, or stepping out for lunch with friends, you can have fun with your wardrobe and delight in the little things like feeling great about the way you look.
Retirement doesn’t have to be about t-shirts and yoga pants, although it’s nice to have that option any day of the week. Now you can build your wardrobe with things that are fun and speak to your personal style, like a casual sundress and jacket combo or something even more daring for an evening out. Local department stores may not always have the style you crave, so shopping at online boutiques can dramatically expand your style options.
The love
One of the worst symptoms of our frenetic lives is that we feel too busy to show the people around us we love them. Having time for random gestures of kindness to relatives, friends, and strangers alike can fill you with a peaceful glow, and there is no better fashion accessory than a warm smile and a happy heart. In a perfect world, retirement gives us the chance to rekindle our love of life, doing those little things we felt we never had time to do before, and while money can be a concern for some, there are plenty of ways to get out there and enjoy life on a budget.
Volunteering, mentoring, and teaching are wonderful ways to stay in touch with a real-life social network while providing much-needed time and attention to people in your community, and it gives many people a renewed sense of purpose. The most important part of looking your best is feeling your best from the inside out, living your best life and looking fabulous to boot.