Alcohol is a widely used substance that, unlike many other drugs, is legal for people to consume once they turn 21. Though many individuals consume alcoholic beverages responsibility, some three million persons per year fall prey to alcoholism, which is categorized as an inability to control consumption. Moreover, addicted individuals might wish to stop but cannot because of the severe withdrawal symptoms their bodies experience when such actions are initiated.
Unfortunately, those afflicted with alcoholism may struggle with alcohol addiction for many years. Chronic alcohol dependency can have a lasting adverse impact upon the body and significantly shorten someone’s lifespan. Moreover, the habit could also cause numerous other social, financial and lifestyle challenges. This brief blog will offer 10 reasons why individuals should consider ceasing alcohol consumption or, if addicted, should receive treatment.
1. Improve Personal Relationships style=”font-weight: 400;”>
Chronic alcohol intake could alter a person’s moods and social interaction capabilities. Ergo, a kind, charming, social adept individual when sober may morph into a nasty, argumentative person when drinking. Should this behavior be consistent, the addict’s personal relations with friends, as well as their families could be damaged and, in some cases, irreparable.
2. Save Money
Sometimes overlooked is the fact that alcohol costs money. Those who regularly consume the substance often spend hundreds of dollars (if not greater amounts) per month to satisfy their habit or addiction. Such circumstances could prove challenging for those on a budget or fixed income. Addicts operating under those financial constraints might eventually discover that the money spent on booze interferes with their ability to purchase food or pay other pertinent monthly bills.
3. Less Shame
Those frequently under the influence of may engage in reckless acts or behave in manners that hurt or offend others. After emerging from their stupors or gaining awareness of their actions, addicts feel a sense of shame for the things they have done and spend time apologizing and feeling guilty for their behavior.
4. The Ability to Face Problems Head On
Many addicts drink or indulge their drug of choice to mask deep-rooted pain or to block out serious underlying problems. Though alcohol provides a temporary sanctuary from these issues, it does not solve these lingering issues. Sobriety often forces people to identify, address and attempt to solve the problems they face.
5. Establishing A Better Network of Associations
Addicts often associate with fellow addicts or individuals who do not truly care about them or have their best interests in mind. Achieving sobriety might help individuals formulate a new social network comprised of people who wish to associate with the real (not inebriated) “you” and want to see you live and feel well.
6. Avoiding Legal Troubles
Alcohol has a strong influence over a person’s inhibitions and brain. Therefore, addicts might often engage in reckless behavior or make poor decisions when intoxicated. The end result could be driving under the influence, involvement on altercations or participation in other types of criminal activity. Any of the preceding proclivities may lead to legal problems or potentially incarceration.
7. Healthier Emotional State
Though used to mask pain, frequent alcohol consumption might actually cause greater emotional turmoil.
8. Riddance of The Urge
Addicts or frequent alcohol consumers live with the constant urge to drink. This internal desire could become so severe that figuring out how to obtain more alcohol consumes one’s entire thought processes and overtakes any other thoughts or activities.
9. Improving One’s Appearance
Habitual alcohol use can accelerate the aging process. Alcohol contains numerous toxins that could precipitate premature cell death that stimulates damage and illness to the skin and many internal organs.
10. Improved Health
Arguably, the greatest reason to cease habitual drinking is for the health benefits of such action. It is well-known that chronic alcohol consumption can precipitate serious liver disease and central nervous system impairment. However, the habit might also impact many other bodily components such as the cardiovascular system, digestive tract and reproductive systems. Moreover, chronic alcohol intake has also been linked to the development of many serious diseases, most notably diabetes and several forms of cancer.