Shockingly enough, the newest, and scariest, STD is something that everyone has heard of before. Gonorrhea has recently been announced as the highest threat by the CDC. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that causes infections in the throat, genitals and rectum. It is easily spread, and few people realize when they actually are infected. While it can clear up on its own, there are dangers in not treating it properly. Many doctors can provide a cocktail of medications to kill it off, however it has recently been announced that certain gonococci are drug-resistant. The drug-resistant genes aren’t in every single one, however there have been 246,000 antibiotic-resistant cases in the US yearly. That’s 30% of all the gonorrhea infections reported in the US!

The Old Cures Aren’t Working Anymore
While many antibiotic-resistant bugs have originated from factory-farmed livestock and hospitals, this is one that can only be contracted through sexual contact. Many doctors are flummoxed, proposing different ideas of what antibiotics could be used. Some recommend treating with ceftriaxone and azithromycin or doxycycline, and retesting every 3 months. However, research on new antibiotics that will put a dent in this revamped disease is slow-going. There is one in the works, however it isn’t yet able to be U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved.

It’s Hitting Close To Home
With cases growing in number annually, there is more concern out there about this deadly disease. Neisseria Gonorrhoeae is the bacterium that causes Gonorrhea, and it has been mutating quickly ever since the 1940’s. It has become resistant to every antibiotic that has ever been used to treat it. As of 2007, the only hope doctors have left is cephalosporins. However, cases in Europe and Asia have cropped up in which Gonorrhea has become resistant even to that. Some have continued to prescribe penicillin, which has not worked for 40 years. The issue with that prescription is that it kills the beneficial bacteria that is meant to protect the human body from such attacks, leaving us with next to no resistance to these bugs.

Here’s What You Must Know
The disease, Gonorrhea, has no symptoms that actually show. For women that contract it, the few symptoms that do crop up seem like normal everyday things, such as bleeding in between periods or discharge. In men, there are few symptoms as well. However, the men that do have symptoms might have a burning sensation while urinating, discharge in the color of white, yellow or green, and painful or swollen testicles. The latter being less common, these symptoms are noticeable for men. Those who contract this dangerous STD are at risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, epididymitis or infertility. It is also possible for pregnant women to pass the disease on to their offspring. If medication can no longer cure the disease Gonorrhea, then it is best to always use a condom. It is also important to get tested with new partners, as well as multiple partners.

The terrifying ‘new’ STD is a rework of Gonorrhea in a scary way. It has been becoming more and more drug-resistant, causing many to worry. When getting tested by a doctor, make sure they check to see the DNA of the bug. This is the only way to know if they are drug-resistant or not. The best way to protect yourself, of course, is to wear a condom every single time.

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