Tips for Good Oral Care and Healthy Smiles

Maintaining good oral health is an obligation of any person who wants healthy smiles, talks, and laughs. How would you feel if you talk or open your mouth and people turn up their noses? It feels bad and you could even stigmatize yourself before people start stigmatizing you.

Halitosis, the formation of tartar, teeth discolouration and the onset of cavities are all results of poor oral healthcare. Ideally, people are supposed to brush after every meal. Since that is unpractical, dentists recommend that people brush their teeth two to three times a day.

Visit Your Dentist of Regular Basis

Frequent dentist visits for a routine dental check-up is very important. Your dentist can identify early signs of cavity formation and perform proper interventions to prevent it.

Molars start forming black lines on their surfaces. Such black lines are a sign of tooth decay and if they remain unidentified, they progress to become cavities and expose your pulp.

You will risk losing your tooth or you will incur high dental expenses for tooth examination, root canal and filling. Regular visits can help prevent such problems because the professional will perform relevant oral care to prevent decay and cavities.

Brush Your Teeth Regularly

Tooth brushing is the basic oral health intervention. First, use a perfect toothbrush that will remove debris and food remain from in between your teeth. You must also select a toothpaste that will clean your teeth without precipitating teeth sensitivity.

Avoid abrasive toothpaste because they can cause enamel abrasion which leads to teeth sensitivity. Fluoride toothpaste enhances enamel growth which plays a significant role in cavity prevention.

Place your toothbrush at 45 degrees and gently move your brush back and forth. Start brushing from outside surfaces, go to inside surfaces then finish on chewing surfaces.

Brushing should take at least two minutes for one to achieve maximum cleanliness. You can then floss after brushing to eliminate even the tiny food particles in between your teeth.

Eat Dental Friendly Foods

The food you eat or chew determines your dental health. Sugars that clog on your teeth are broken down in a process called glycolysis. Acid is released as a by-product of glycolysis which corrodes your teeth’s enamel leading to cavities. To protect your teeth from sugars, you can use the sealants.

Sealants prevent sugars from contacting your teeth and prevent them from discolouration as well. Avoid biting hard materials like opening a can with your teeth.  Eat foods that are rich in calcium because they promote the growth of strong bones and teeth.

In between teeth cleaning sessions, minimize plaque build-up on your teeth by limiting sugary snacks. Instead, choose nutritious foods such as cheese, yoghurt, raw vegetables, cheese, and fruits. According to experts, some vegetables such as celery help remove food particle from in between your teeth. They also help your saliva to neutralize acids that cause plaque.

Drink Tap Water

Tap water is fluorinated and fluoride is needed to generate new enamel. Drinking tap water can, therefore, prevent teeth decay and cavity formation. Gargle mouthwash on a regular basis to clean your mouth so that germs do not build up in your oral cavity. These two practices complement each other in maintaining good oral health.


Oral health should be taken seriously just like the way people care for their skin, hair and other parts of their body. Just be persistent on your oral health practices and always visit a dental expert for professional oral examination and advice. It is wise to visit a dentist twice a year for dental check-ups.