Vision Care Eye Care Professionals | What To Know

Our eyes play a vital role in how we move through the world and enjoy our life. They do the important task of capturing light. Then, different parts of the eye work together, connecting with neurons that deliver a message to the brain as visual images. 

For this reason, it is important to keep our eyes healthy. To maintain a clear vision and ensure a lifetime of good eye health, it is important to visit a competent optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam. The exams are vital for the prevention of different conditions that don’t have obvious signs or conditions. 

With a thorough eye diagnosis and treatment, you’ll promptly receive the best treatment that helps you save your eyesight. 

Keep reading for some tips for your vision care

  1. Eat Well 

Good eye health starts with the food you eat. Nutrients like lutein, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C and E help ward off age-related vision problems like cataracts and macular degeneration. To get these nutrients to eat: 

  • Green leafy vegetables like collards, kale, and spinach 
  • Pork and oysters 

And yes, a balanced diet also helps you maintain healthy body weight. This lowers your risk for obesity and related diseases like diabetes which may cause blindness in adults. 

  1. Get Regular Eye Checkups 

Most people experiencing vision problems wait until it is too late to prepare for an eye exam. Don’t make this mistake. 

If you notice any slight change in your vision, have it checked by an eye care provider. Only an expert can identify serious vision problems like retinopathy, cataracts and glaucoma, at a stage early to treat. 

And yes, there are different categories of eye care providers like: 

Optician: distributes contacts and glasses based on doctor’s prescription. They don’t treat or diagnose any eye problems. 

Optometrists: they do eye exams, vision testing, and diagnose eye diseases. They prescribe drugs, and contact lenses to treat diseases. 

Ophthalmologists: are medical doctors who diagnose and treat various eye diseases, do surgery, and prescribe contact lenses for vision correction. 

  1. Quit Smoking 

Smoking exposes your eyes to several medical conditions like cataracts, macular degeneration, damage to your optic nerves among other medical conditions. 

If you’ve tried to stop the habit only to start again, keep at it. The more you try to quit, the more you’re likely to succeed. Seek help from your doctor. 

  1. Find Out if You’re at Risk for Eye Disease 

As we grow old, the risk for some eye diseases increases. Other factors that increase our risk for eye diseases include obesity or a family history of eye disease. 

Other conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes, also increase your risks for certain eye conditions. For instance, diabetes increases your risk for diabetic retinopathy – an eye condition that results in complete loss of vision. 

So, are you worried that you may be at risk for certain eye diseases, talk to your optometrist? You’ll be able to take precautionary measures to lower the risk. 


Being actively involved in our vision care and working with a reputable optometrist increases our chances of maintaining good eye health and eyesight for life. Try it today, you won’t regret it.