No matter what line of work you’re in having first aid skills means that you’ll be able to save lives. This is why many companies around the world invest in first aid training for their employees. However, one of the things that many people don’t seem understand is exactly what needs to be covered. When you go out searching for a beginner’s course there are numerous levels, various types of first aid and no shortage of trainers around. This is why instead of wasting money on a whole series of courses it pays to know what basics to invest in.
Choking first aid
This is one of the most basic type of first aid that everyone needs to be well versed in. Regardless, of if it’s a professional babysitter or a person working on a construction site. The first aid course you choose needs teach people how to deal with chocking.
In order for anyone to remain living they need to have an open airway or a clear air way which consists of both the mouth and the nose that connects to the pharynx and into the lungs. If there is an obstruction usually caused by a foreign object lodged in the airway things can become serious pretty quickly. Usually conscious people are able to maintain a clear airway easily but there are times when it may not be possible. One of the most common causes of blocked airways is food stuck in the throat or a kid sticking something that’s too large to be swallowed. In either case the first aid course will teach a number of techniques which most commonly includes the Heimlich maneuver. This particular maneuver has saved thousands of lives over the years and continues to do so each year. It not only requires good training to master but also regular practice.
CPR or Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (Basic)
Every basic first aid course covers and should cover some basic CPR. This is an emergency procedure usually used to manually keep the brain’s function intact until other measures can be taken to help the person get out of cardiac arrest or start breathing after drowning. This procedure is performed obviously on people who are either not breathing or those who have an irregular breathing rhythm.
Basic CPR will just involve chest compressions that need to be done precisely at 5 cm or 2 inches of depth of 100 per minute. This is done in an effort to restart circulation manually by trying to pump blood through the victim’s heart. A more advanced CPR technique will teach people how to provide breaths by manually exhaling into the victim’s mouth or their nostrils which helps to push more air into the lungs. A slightly more advanced technique often taught to paramedics includes using Defibrillation.
The current standards around the world place a lot of emphasis on the person at the scene providing good quality chest compressions as opposed to artificial respiration. This is why employers should invest in their employees learning chest compressions as part of the basic first aid package they sign up to.
Wound first aid
This usually involves a couple of techniques that helps to stop the bleeding long enough for help to arrive. This type of training is especially useful in the manufacturing industry where frequent wounds are a common place. The basic wound first aid course will consist mainly of applying pressure, dressing the wound and transporting the person to a hospital. The technique can be used by regular people provided that there is a first aid kit in place. The course should also cover the use of bandages and wound medicine. Larger wounds like a gun shot, impaling etc. are usually not addressed in the basic first aid course.
The best places to get the training from
If you are in charge of getting employees at your business training there are a number of things you should check. The first thing you ought to be aware of is if the business is authorized to train people in first aid. In most countries only hospitals and people who are certified trainers are allowed to provide training. So make sure that you check their certification prior to proceeding.
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Mark is a certified first aid trainer and has trained over five dozen people in the past year alone. He is also a certified medical practitioner. When he’s not training business employees how to perform first aid he is helping teach military recruits how to field dress their mates on the battlefield.