5 Tips for Healing After a Serious Car Accident

5 Tips for Healing After a Serious Car Accident

Car accidents are unfortunately quite common. Thousands of serious and deadly accidents occur every week in the United States. If you’re lucky enough to have survived a serious accident, your immediate focus should be on reaching a quick and full recovery.

Improve Your Recovery With These 5 Suggestions

The hours and days after a serious car accident are usually spent in a haze of medication and an onslaught of medical supervision by doctors and nurses. But the farther you get away from the incident, the less you have doctors telling you what to do. If you aren’t careful, you could fall into bad habits and actually slow down or impede your progress.

A serious car accident doesn’t have to hold you back from being healthy. While it’s certainly not convenient, it’s better to view your injury as a speed bump rather than a blockade.

Here are some actionable steps you can take to heal after a car accident:

1. Hire the Right Lawyer

This may seem like an odd first step in your recovery, but don’t underestimate the importance of having the right attorney on your team. Having a reliable legal professional in your corner will take the burden of negotiating with insurance companies off your shoulders and allow you to focus on getting better.

“Unfortunately, the laws are designed so that these claims are made difficult for consumers to navigate,” explains Legler Murphy & Battaglia, LLP. “The general goal of such legislation is to satisfy one interest: to save insurance companies money. Often times in handling such claims you will find that you are dealing with unreasonable claims adjusters and complex processes which are too difficult to understand.”

When you hire a good attorney, two things happen. First, you don’t have to waste time negotiating with insurance companies. Second, you increase your chances of getting a favorable payout (which helps you fund your healthcare expenses and get better faster).

2. See a Chiropractor

Americans have become much more open to chiropractic care over the last 15 years, but it’s still something that many people are hesitant to try. Don’t let your lack of familiarity with this field of medicine prevent you from obtaining the necessary care.

If you have classic signs of whiplash – like neck strains, back pain, hip discomfort, jaw soreness, etc. – regular chiropractic adjustments can restore your body’s natural alignment and help you heal.

3. Visit a Massage Therapist

Massage therapy is instrumental in helping car accident victims experience soft tissue healing. It’s been shown to improve circulation and enhance the overall sense of well-being. (It’s also incredibly relaxing.)

Most insurance providers will allow you to pursue massage therapy – though you’ll need to find a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) and get a referral up front.

4. Adopt Healthy Habits

Most people unknowingly slow down their recovery progress by allowing unhealthy routines to flourish. If you want to get better faster, you must adopt smart habits that set your body up for success. Diet is of particular importance.

“Injuries almost always cause inflammation of soft tissue groups in the body,” Arne Wellness Center points out. “While your immune system will kick into overdrive to fight inflammation, infection, and other associated symptoms triggered by auto injuries, the foods and beverages you consume often have inflammatory properties that can contribute to swelling, pain, and discomfort.”

The best thing you can do is strip out processed foods with lots of additives and sugars. Instead, stick to fresh fruits and vegetables, protein-rich foods, and lean meats.

5. Confront the Mental Battle

It’s totally normal to experience some fear, worry, and isolated anxieties after a car accident. You’ve been through a serious ordeal, and it’s not easy to get back behind the wheel. Be sure to seek help if these issues linger.

“If your symptoms don’t ease after 3 months, or if your symptoms are severe enough to stop you living your normal life, then you have may an anxiety disorder, such as post-traumatic stress disorder,” Geared explains.

Your general practitioner can direct you toward the right mental health professional to help you confront the underlying causes of your anxiety.

Don’t Rush Into Things

As much as you want to reach a quick and full recovery, don’t force it. Whether physically or psychologically, too much pressure to heal will actually hold you back and risk further long-term damage. Cultivate a sense of patience and don’t rush into things prematurely. It’ll take a little longer, but you’ll be glad you took the time to recover the right way.