
5 Ways to Help Your Loved One Fight Their Oxycodone Addiction

No doubt you’ve heard horror stories about the ongoing opioid crisis, which claims 130 lives in the United States each day.

One of the most commonly misused opioids is Oxycodone. Coincidentally, Oxycodone is one of the most powerful and dangerous opioids out there.

Yet it’s prescribed all the time. You may even know someone suffering from an Oxycodone addiction.

Here are a few ways that you can help your loved one overcome their addiction.

1. Get Educated

The more you know about Oxycodone and its dangers, the easier it’ll be to empathize with your loved one. By reading this article, you’re already ahead of the curve, so good job.

You’ll want to take things a step further and look at medical research about Oxycodone and opioids in general. Pay close attention to its street names, prescription prevalence, and look into the long term effects of oxycodone so you’ll know what to expect.

2. Help Scout out Rehab Facilities

Your loved one deciding to seek help is a massive step in the right direction. Show your support by volunteering to find a quality rehab facility.

There are quite a few options to choose from, including inpatient and outpatient programs, so take your time and do your research.

You’ll also want to consult your insurance company, as they may help cover some of the costs.

3. Keep Them Accountable

A combination of talk therapy, rehab, and naltrexone treatment is a strong triage. However, the threat of relapse always remains.

Being there to keep your loved one accountable during their recovery can help them stay on the straight and narrow path.

While you shouldn’t expect a perfect recovery, you should also steer clear of using judgmental tones. If they stumble, pick them up. You’re in this together.

4. Lend Your Ear

The recovery process is arduous and taxing from both a physical and mental perspective. There may be days where your loved one needs nothing more than a shoulder to cry on or someone to empathize with their frustration.

Practice active listening. Hear their struggles and put yourself in their shoes.

Sometimes a sounding board is all it takes to give someone the strength to keep fighting their demons.

5. Eliminate Triggers and Temptations

Whether your loved one is staying with you during recovery or they’re just coming over to visit now and again, you must get rid of any substances that may cause a relapse.

Since Oxycodone is often prescribed as a post-surgery pain reliever, go through your medicine cabinet and double-check for any prescriptions you may have. Store them in a secure location where your loved one won’t be able to find them.

Likewise, do your best to limit exposure to other addictive substances like alcohol, as some recovering addicts may replace one bad habit with another as a means of coping.

Help Your Loved One Overcome Their Oxycodone Addiction with These Tips

The battle against oxycodone addiction is a difficult one filled with setbacks and trying times. But if you keep these tips in mind and remember to empathize, you can create a loving and supporting environment for your loved one to stay sober.

For more info, make sure to check back with our blog.