The medicine your doctor prescribes will be helpful, but this isn’t the only way to treat Crohn’s disease. You can fight this health problem with the tips below.
1. Start to Exercise
A little exercise can go a long way right now. The increase in blood circulation helps improve your immune system and is anti-inflammatory. Exercise may also improve your digestion and boost energy. These are things you want to have if you’re trying to fight this disease. Exercise may also lift the spirits and make you feel positive, which is good because it’ll help you continue the fight. You can start with something like cycling, walking, or even swimming. These are low-impact options you should be able to incorporate into your life without much effort.
2. No More Smoking
If you smoke, you want to work on quitting. Quitting is not always easy for long-time users. If you need professional help, seek it out. You may be able to partake in certain natural remedies to stop smoking, such as ginseng and hypnotherapy. You can talk to your doctor to find out if this might work for you. Smoking can decrease blood flow, which is one of your body’s defenses against inflammation. This habit can also inhibit your body’s natural defenses. Talk to your doctor to see what else he or she recommends if you’re having trouble quitting.
3. Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol can be harmful while you’re trying to fight this disease. This is another habit that could be difficult to quit, but it must be done. This drink can wreak havoc on your stomach and lead to inflammation. This happens even when a person doesn’t have this disease, so imagine how drinking alcohol could impact your health. Again, if you need help quitting, then get that help right away. Hypnotherapy and acupuncture is sometimes used as an aid for this as well.
4. Fight Stress
Stress is an everyday thing, so it’s not something you can completely eliminate, but you can learn to manage it better. This step is vital because stress can be a trigger. Stress has numerous effects on your body that only get worse if you’re under constant stress. Your immune system could be harmed, and your risk of inflammation increases. Thankfully, there are ways to manage stress like getting a massage, going out in nature, doing yoga, or trying guided meditation.
5. Drink Enough Water
The inflammation in your digestion tract makes it harder to absorb water. That’s a problem because you could get dehydrated quickly if you don’t drink enough water. It is recommended that you drink more water, especially if you know you’re dealing with a flare up. Stay away from drinks that could make things worse for you, which means staying away from pasteurized juices, drinks with added sugar, or drinks with caffeine in them. Stick to water to stay hydrated. Remember, dehydration can cause other problems like fatigue and other issues.
6. Change Your Diet
Your diet is important because many foods could trigger issues for you. Firstly, triggers can differ from person to person, so it’s important to create your own personal dietary journal. The thing is you won’t be able to modify your dietary plan without some experimenting, so always pay attention to how you react to foods. To start, stay away from common triggers that include things like spicy foods, dairy, sugary foods, and caffeinated drinks. Some folks with this ailment have no appetite, but you still need nutrients to live a healthful life. You might want to switch to smaller meals if you’re dealing with this.
Continue talking to your doctor and maybe a nutritionist to help you with this ailment. Don’t forget to tell your doctor about the lifestyle changes you’ll be making so that this professional can see how each change helps.