1.) Water Filters: If you have a home water purification service, you should replace your PUR faucet filter every 100 gallons (approximately every 2-3 months). This guarantees that the water will remain clean.
2.) Refrigerator Filters: Refrigerator water filters are usually stationed in the base or right side of the fridge, though this varies from brand to brand. Manufacturers usually recommend changing the filters every six months, but you’ll want to check your refrigerator manual in order to make sure yours doesn’t need to be changed more frequently. It’s a good idea to clean your refrigerator water filter, and you can find out how to do that through reading this article.
3.) Air Conditioner Filters: Air filters are used for your cooling system. They reduce the amount of dust and allergens in your air, making the air you breathe safer and healthier. The Department of Energy advises home owners to change their air conditioner filters every 1-2 months during the cool season, and more frequently during warm seasons. You can subscribe to an air filter service in order to have new filters shipped to your home. Air conditioning filters are ranked on a scale of 1 to 16 based on effectiveness in removing dust and allergens from the air. Most people use inexpensive paper or cotton filters, but you can also buy high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in order to remove pollen and smoke. These filters are more expensive, but also assure better air quality.
4.) Furnace Filters: Furnace filters are used for your heating system, and their purpose is similar to that of air conditioner filters. They filter out old air in order to get rid of airborne contaminants. At the very least, you should change them every six months, though experts say it’s preferable to change them every 6-8 weeks.
5.) Icemaker Filters: Many people may not realize their refrigerator’s ice machine has a filter which needs to be changed consistently. If you use ice frequently, change the filter every six months. If you rarely use the ice machine, you can most likely get away with changing it once a year. Changing the icemaker filter regularly prevents your water or ice from developing a nasty taste or odor.
6.) Vacuum Cleaner Filters: Vacuum cleaner filters need to be changed every six months. This keeps them functioning normally and avoids potential problems.
7.) Pool Filters: Everyone loves backyard pools, but taking care of them can be a bit of a pain. Thankfully, though, if you properly care for your pool, you can avoid costly repairs. Read this article to learn more about pool maintenance, and plan to replace your filter every 4-8 weeks.
8.) Oil Filters: Don’t forget about your vehicle’s oil filters! They boost fuel and oil efficiency and prevent the oil from clogging. You should typically change your oil filter whenever you’re changing your oil (roughly every 3,000 miles.)
9.) Car air filters: When you’re changing your oil filter, be sure to ask your mechanic whether your air filter needs to be replaced as well. Car air filters guarantee that air is as clean as possible, thereby preventing contamination. Passengers inside cars are more likely to be exposed to dangerous, potentionally cancer-causing pollants than are people riding bikes or walking. So having a clean car air filter truly is important for your health!
Phil Brown is a handyman extraordinare.