Back pain can cause chronic pain that may not go away without medical intervention. Minimally invasive surgery is designed to decompress the spine so the vertebral bones can stabilize. By using this method, patients may notice a significantly positive change in their day-to-day living.
What Is Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery?
Dr. Glenn L. Keiper Jr MD is trained to use minimally invasive surgeries that affect the spine. By using an invasive approach, smaller incisions are made and can cause less harm to surrounding muscles. In recent years, minimally invasive surgical techniques have undergone major advancements in the realm of imaging and navigation technologies, customizable implants, and operative methods.
There are a few different types of minimally invasive surgery. Depending on the diagnosis and medical history, specific surgeries are recommended to the patient by his or her doctor. Dr. Glenn Keiper can help with complex problems and is qualified to use new techniques for spinal surgery. By using artificial disc placement, fusing the lumbar spine may not be necessary. Dr. Keiper can perform simpler surgeries for a quicker recovery time.
Spine issues that can benefit from minimally invasive techniques include:
-scoliosis and kyphosis,
-decompression of tumors in the spine
-degenerative disks
-spine infections
By performing minimally invasive spine surgery, Dr. Keiper can help prevent possible muscle damage from traditional surgery. Instead of making one long incision that is used to maximize vision of the surgical site, a minimally invasive surgery uses small incisions that are approximately a ½ inch in size. By reducing vulnerability of surrounding soft tissue and muscle, this can help minimize pain after surgery.
For those suffering from spine deformities or back pain, spinal surgery can drastically increase the quality of life. The spine is responsible for the body’s structure and support. A healthy spine can bend appropriately according to the age of an individual and remain flexible. By protecting the spinal cord, an individual can perform regular daily-living tasks such as walking and climbing stairs. The spinal is essentially a long column of nerves that connects the brain to the body. Spinal injuries may affect basic movement.
How Is The Surgery Performed?
KeiperSpine offers a variety of medical services to help spinal conditions. Dr. Glenn Keiper has advanced training in the dynesys dynamic lumbar stabilization system, cerebrovascular surgery and others. Depending on the type of spine issue, there are a variety of minimally invasive techniques that can be used at KeiperSpine.
3 Different Types of Spinal Surgeries Include:
A Spinal Stenosis Decompression
This type of minimally invasive surgery is used for patients suffering from spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis occurs when the spinal canal is unusually narrow. This is typically caused by an obstruction such as bone spurs. If spinal stenosis occurs, this can cause pain or numbness.
A spinal stenosis decompression works to correct this issue by opening the spinal column. This is done for the purpose of releasing the obstruction. Once an obstruction is no longer narrowing the canal, nerves can then release pressure on the body.
Minimally Invasive Spinal Fusion
This type of spinal fusion is necessary to relieve symptoms of chronic neck pain, degenerative disc disease, tumors, traumatic fractures, scoliosis, and others. These symptoms can cause a decrease in quality of life and may make simple tasks difficult. By choosing a minimally invasive spinal fusion, the spinal discs can be removed to decrease chronic pain.
A minimally invasive spinal fusion requires the spinal discs between vertebrae to be removed so that the two adjacent vertebrae can be fused together. Vertebrae are often fused together with grafted bone or metal plates.
Herniated Disc Removal
Herniated disc removal can cause compressed nerves. This can create an extremely painful sensation in the back. To treat this type of spine issue, a laminectomie can be performed as well as a discectomy.
This type of surgery is aimed at removing the entire disc. By removing the herniated disc, nerve roots can be freed in the spinal column. This can even help nerve roots affecting the spinal cord.
What Are The Benefits?
Minimally invasive spine surgery is used by surgeons such as, Dr. Keiper, because it is a safe way to treat issues of the spine without causing muscle damage. Many back surgery procedures use minimally invasive spine surgery because of its significant advancements in the field.
Better Cosmetic Results
Minimally invasive surgery uses much smaller incisions than traditional surgery. This can make a significant difference in the post-surgery appearance. With minimal scarring, this makes the procedure a very attractive option for many patients.
Safer Outcomes
There is less blood loss when using minimally invasive techniques. In traditional therapy, the incision is much longer, and video tools are not relied upon for vision. To have adequate vision of the spine, the patient must be cut open. This can lead to blood loss. Without relying on a video tool to see the inside of a patient’s body, blood can be lost through surgery.
Reduced Risk of Complications
With the advancement of minimally invasive surgery, there is less risk of infection. Traditional surgery can cause excessive bleeding and contamination, but with the use of small incisions, there is less opportunity for complications.
Decreased Likelihood of Muscle Damage
Traditional, open surgery results in the muscles being pulled from the problematic area of the spine. Once pulled, these muscles and soft tissue surrounding the area can become damaged.
Less Pain
Minimally invasive spine surgery not only requires smaller incisions but can help patients recover faster after their surgery is complete. Recovery time for minimally invasive surgery is typically much less than that of open surgery. Since there is minimal, if any, muscle damage, patients can be discharged from the hospital much more quickly.
Advancement In Surgical Techniques
There have been many advancements in surgical techniques over the past decade. Spine surgery techniques can help with a variety of different conditions.
Oblique lumbar interbody fusion and direct lateral interbody fusion can help make it possible to access the anterior and spinal column in new ways. By reviewing radiographs, physicians can evaluate spinal pathologies.
Endoscope usage during a minimal invasive surgery can help with spinal stenosis and areas of the lumbar spine. By using an endoscope, there is less likelihood for approach-related trauma as well as blood loss. The use of an endoscope during surgery can be performed in an outpatient setting.
Real time navigation is another advancement technique. Image guidance and navigation systems can improve safety by reducing the need for open surgery. 3D mapping of the spine can help guide treatment while using anatomic tracking of the surgical tools.
Dr. Glenn Keiper has extensive training and knowledge of neurosurgery. Advanced surgical techniques in minimally invasive procedures can help prevent surgical complications and reduce scarring. With incredible skill and technology, minimally invasive spine surgery can change lives for the better.