EMP Protection for Emergencies

You may have learned back in elementary school what to do in an evacuation. Maybe you learned to run under your desk or to stand under a doorway. Perhaps you learned about what should be in an emergency bag in case you need to stay safe for a few days. Although these were all great to learn, it’s important now to have a bag and understand exactly what you really should be doing as an adult. You will want to invest in a faraday bag EMP protection for emergencies.


The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency recommends that every single adult should have a bag ready to go in case of an emergency. It’s important to prepare for things in life that may happen even if you don’t want them to. You may also want a few different types of bags depending on where you are living in the world and what types of natural disasters may occur near you.

We have put together a list of a few things you will want to put into your emergency bag. Keep reading to find out what these 10 items are and why we are recommending them being there.


First, you may be somewhere that you can not access any water. Maybe you get stuck somewhere or chances are there is just no running water in the case of an emergency. This is the first reason why it is important to have enough water with you. The second reason why it’s important that water is in your emergency bag is that the water may not be drinkable because of the emergency issue. Mud and various items now may be in the water and that is not drinkable. You probably will not be able to boil it in the emergency, so you will not have access to any clean water.  Also, did you know that water can expire? Make sure that you update the water in your emergency kit annually. How much water should you be bringing with you? That’s a great question and there’s no specific answer. It’s important for this emergency bag can last you (and your family) at least three days. Take how much water you typically drink it per day and times that by three. As well keep in mind any other family members that may be in the emergency with you. If you have children, prepare them as well.


There is a lot of nonperishable food out there that is perfect for an emergency. Again, try and have three days’ worth. Keep in mind that everyone you bring should be as simple as possible. Canned goods are great. If you have any pets, make sure that you think about them too. Although it’s always a good idea to eat your vegetables, in an emergency situation it’s just about survival so it may not be the healthiest. It will keep you from starving though. Also, if you are bringing cans of food with you, remember to bring a can opener too.

First aid kit

In the event of a natural disaster, it’s important to remember you may have gotten injured or you are at higher risk for staying safe. It’s important to have a first aid kit that can prepare you for a lot of things that could have gone wrong. From little scraps to larger issues, these are important to prepare for. It’s also to remember if your family has any allergies or medical conditions. Firstly, so that you know not to bring that specific medicine in with you. But also remember if they need specific medication to have it in the emergency bag. You won’t remember in the heat of the moment to run into your sons’ room to grab the pills he needs every morning. Have spare pills ready in your bag. A well-stocked bag can save your life. Bring the basics but also remember the little things. The American Red Cross has great ready-made bags for this specific occasion.  


A simple tool can end up being a lifesaver when you are in an emergency. A multipurpose tool should be in each emergency bag. Many multipurpose tools have things like a screwdriver, scissors and a knife in them. This can come in extremely handy and is such a small well compact item to have.


If the power is out the ATMs are probably not going to work. Make sure to keep at least $100 in your emergency kit. Paying in cash can be a huge benefit especially if you are quickly needing to get out of town.


You may have got wet and a fresh change of clothes may not only allow you to feel nicer but may get you out of cold and wet clothes. Have clothes that are durable and comfortable. Since people change in size (especially children), this is also something that’s important and another item to make sure to change yearly. You need to prepare for all types of conditions. Since you probably won’t have access to a heater, spare clothes and especially warm clothes can really be a huge help.

The basics

There are a lot of little things that are great to pack. Most of these are all small and easy to grab and throw in your bag. Some of these include a battery-powered radio, pain relievers, toilet paper, duct tape, a loud whistle in case you need to signal for help and finally a few toys to comfort your children.

Although you don’t want to have a huge number of items in your emergency kit, it’s still is important to prepare yourself for the worst. Having one little tool could save you and even your life. It’s hard to pack specifically since so many different types of emergencies can occur, but this list is a great general list so that you can remember to put in all the basics. If you have any questions about an emergency bag for your home or specific questions about what should be in it for you and your family, contact us today.