To Vax Or Not To Vax?
Should you get vaccinated against COVID-19? Maybe, maybe not. The answer to this question will be different for everybody. Here we’ll explore the truth in brief, and in a neutral way. The things you need to know about these vaccines won’t require a dissertation. They will require you to put opinions on the shelf in lieu of facts.
1. What Are Vaccines And How Do They Work?
Vaccines are a means of inoculating those who take them against future illnesses. In brief, a form of the illness at the microbial level is suspended in some sort of “adjuvant”. The adjuvant ostensibly makes it so whatever form of the illness is injected into a person isn’t at its full strength. Sometimes they just inject you with a weak form of the virus without any adjuvant.
What is essentially going on is that the immune system is being given a crash course in whatever virus is giving the world trouble. You’re giving the macrophages in your immune system a “scrimmage” before a game against the away team, essentially. It’s practice.
So if you’re sick, it is usually a bad idea to take any vaccine. Just as a scrimmage results in physical exertion and the occasional injury, a vaccine will give you a sort of “pseudo-sickness” almost every time you take it. Think back. Haven’t you always gotten a mild cold for a handful of days after a flu shot, or an MMR, or a tetanus shot?
It’s a “light” version of whatever illness you’re trying to protect against. So rule number one: with any vaccine, you should only take it if you’re in good health beforehand. Never take one when you’re sneezing and coughing and sick, or you’ll just further stress an immune system that’s already fighting off an infection.
2. Why Are The Pfizer And Moderna Vaccines Different?
“Moderna” itself is a play on words. It’s not like a Hispanic version of the word “modern”. In fact, it’s MODE RNA. “MODE” RNA is “Messenger” RNA. This is a technical term. Essentially, both these new COVID-19 vaccines have an mRNA delivery system which, like a domino effect, ripples throughout your whole body.
It’s not an inert form of the virus-like other vaccines. Accordingly, the immunological response to this vaccine is different than any other inoculation methods in human history. This is totally new ground, and the truth is, it’s a little bit untested. You’re going to get different information from different resources across the board.
3. What Resources Can Help Inform You?
There are a lot of places on the net where you can get information about COVID-19, benefits and drawbacks of each vaccine, and how to make sure that vaccines are stored safely. Remember, in these trying times when our authorities aren’t playing the information game with total transparency, you want to educate yourself from multiple perspectives. Put no one resource up as a monolith.
Instead, triangulate the truth. What are they saying on the far right, what are they saying on the far left, what are they saying across the lunatic fringe? Add all three of those perspectives together and average them out to inform your opinion. It is very unwise in these uncertain times to put anyone as a source of human information as the paramount source above all else.
4. What’s The Best Choice For You And Your Family?
Do you know why you get the flu vaccine every year? Influenza transitions. Just as your immune system “learns” one form of virus, the viruses themselves mutate into new forms that are resistant to previous vaccines and immune systems. Presently, that is happening with what is called COVID-19.
Now what we are calling COVID-19 is a coronavirus. The common cold, one of the mildest illnesses unless you’re already weak, is caused by what’s known as a coronavirus. This is a microorganism that looks like it has a “crown” or “corona” around it under a microscope. This virus naturally mutates in the wild. So does the strain called COVID-19.
So even if you get the best vaccine on the planet, what is called COVID-19 will mutate into some other virus, and you’ll need another vaccine down the line. So the question becomes: is it really worth it?
The virus has a survival rate higher than 99% unless you’re extremely old or have a compromised immune system. Is it worth it to risk new health technology? Ultimately, that’s something you’ll have to decide for yourself based on the information. Just keep in mind: if you get vaccinated, you’ll have to keep getting vaccinated every six months to a year.
Getting The Best Health Solutions For Your Family
There’s a lot to consider here. You need to understand traditional vaccines, and how they work. You need to understand what differentiates Pfizer and Moderna vaccines from older inoculation methods. You need to inform yourself with resources from all over the spectrum. And lastly, you need to choose based on your family’s specific needs.
When you can do that, you’ll be able to find the best possible solutions for you and your family. Whatever you do, don’t follow any knee-jerk responses into a medical mistake. Take your time and learn everything you can before making a decision. The thing you need to know most about Pfizer and Moderna is: you should not rush your decision for any reason.