
Experts Say These Are the Best Supplements for Women

Are you one of the 76% of adults in the United States who take dietary supplements?

Depending on your diet and lifestyle, doing so could offer some major benefits!

However, there are so many supplements on the market nowadays. It can be hard to distinguish the best from the mediocre. Read on to discover the best supplements for women.


Calcium will help to keep your bones strong and can help reduce the risk of diseases, like osteoporosis.

You should try to get your calcium naturally from foods like milk and yogurt. You can also find it in some cereals and  in 100% juices.

If you aren’t getting enough calcium from that, though, you can always take a supplement.

However, you should also talk with your doctor before taking any supplements. If you can’t afford to see a doctor or don’t have insurance, you should click here to learn more about Vera Health.

B Vitamins

B Vitamins are important to make sure you have a healthy metabolism. B Vitamins also help women with hormone production. It can help make sure that the hormones get to where they’re going and to help prevent too many of them.

In addition to hormones, they also help make sure that you can healthy produce neurotransmitters. They will also help to keep you from craving sugar and feeling tired. These symptoms normally accompany a hormonal inbalance, so Vitamin B can help to neutralize all of that.

If you want to get your B Vitamins naturally, you should eat lean meat, fish, eggs, and whole grains.

If you aren’t eating enough of those foods, you can take a B-complex supplement. These supplements normally come with about 25-50 milligrams of vitamins B1, B2, and B5.

It also normally comes with about 1,000 mcg of B12.

If you do start taking a Vitamin B supplement, make sure you take it in the morning for an added energy boost.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is nicknamed the sunshine vitamin because our body can actually naturally produce it from being out in the sun.

However, depending on where you live and what season it is, you may not be getting as much as you need to.

Vitamin D is important in making sure your bones are healthy and also helps you absorb and use calcium.

If you aren’t getting enough, you can try eating eggs, fortified milk, and fatty fish. You can also take Vitamin D supplements, but you should check with your doctor to see if your Vitamin D levels are actually low or not.


Magnesium is pretty common and you can find it in bananas, dairy products, potatoes, and nuts and seeds.

Magnesium helps to regulate blood pressure, bone formation, hormones, your heartbeat, and even more.

It’s recommended that you get about 400 mg of magnesium a day.

If you still aren’t able to get enough due to dietary restrictions, you can take a supplement to make sure that you are still healthy.

Folate and Folic Acid

Folate actually helps make sure that your red blood cells can function normally.

Birth defects have been linked to neural tube defects, and folic acid is the supplemental version of folate. If your red blood cells aren’t working, it could cause the neural tube to be defective.

This is why folic acid is normally found in prenatal vitamins. If you are or are trying to get pregnant, you should find some prenatal vitamins and supplements to make sure that your baby is healthy.

If you’re not pregnant, you can get your normal amount from oranges, nuts, beans, seafood, dairy products, and some vegetables.

Some cereals even have enough folic acid that you could need for the day.

Omega-3 Fish Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are recommended by the FDA as a very important part of your diet.

They are believed to help prevent cancer and to improve your heart, eye, and brain health.

The FDA recommends that women who are over 14 years old should get about 1.1 grams of Omega-3 a day. This supplement normally comes from fish, nuts, or even seeds.

However, most people don’t get enough of this without taking a supplement. The most common one is fish oil.

There are many different fish oil supplements out there, but you may not like the first one you try. If you want to avoid the notorious fishy aftertaste and smell, you’ll have to try a few different high-quality brands.


Women need to pay more attention to the iron supplement than men do.

The NIH recommends that men get about 8 mg of iron a day. However, women are recommended to consume about 18 mg.

Women need more iron because when they menstruate, they actually lose a lot of that iron. Iron is important to help our cells grow, develop, and function. If you lose too much iron, you could even become anemic.

Most people will be able to get iron from the foods they eat. However, if your doctor says that you need more iron, you may need to buy a supplement or a multivitamin.

These are all singular supplements, but you can also get complete supplements all in the same go. Buying them this way saves you time, money, and hassle, to keep you going in your busy workday. Check out for more information on all in one supplements.

Take These Best Supplements for Women Today!

These are some of the best supplements for women that are out there.

While there are all kinds of different supplements out there, there are all kinds of different brands and companies selling them as well. Make sure you do your research before you start taking some.

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