Five Surprising Health Risks of Caffeine


Boasting the title of being one of the oldest stimulants in the world, caffeine is consumed by millions of people on a daily basis. Whether a person is seeking a jolt to get their day started or needs to stay alert during a long road trip, caffeine is used to provide an extra dose of energy. Unfortunately, caffeine could be potentially harmful to a person’s health. Here are five surprising health risks of caffeine.


Many consumers forget that caffeine is a very addictive substance. Over time, the caffeine user may become dependent on the substance to function on a daily basis. If the body does not get its daily dosage of caffeine, the person could experience withdrawal symptoms that rival those of a cocaine addict. Irritability, muscle stiffness and headaches are all tell-tale signs of caffeine addiction.


Caffeine has the ability to remain in the bloodstream for a prolonged period, so even morning consumption can inhibit a good night’s rest. It has been well-documented that a lack of sleep can promote a multitude of health problems including heart failure and high blood pressure. It is advisable to not consume more than an amount that is equivalent to two cups of coffee.

Depletes calcium levels

Caffeine is known to reduce the amount of calcium with the body. Due to the fact that calcium is essential for bone strength, the excessive use of caffeine makes the structure of the bones much more susceptible to fractures. It only takes one cup of coffee to cause a 5 mg loss of calcium.

Anxiety problems

Over-indulging in the use of caffeine can lead to severe anxiety problems. Caffeine triggers the body to releases cortisol, which is a hormone that causes the body to go into a state of panic. In many instances, this results in frequent jitters and uneasiness. The consumption of all natural energy drinks is far safer.

Complicates flu symptoms

Caffeine is classified as a diuretic, so this means that it has a tendency to cause frequent urination. The use of caffeine makes it much more difficult for a person to stay hydrated when experiencing the symptoms of the flu. Consuming caffeine may even prolong the duration of a cold or flu because it hinders the response of the immune system.

If you choose to consume caffeine, try to curtail the amount that you consume on a daily basis. There are quite a few healthy alternatives on the market.