How to Find Out Your Blood Type (and What it Means)

A, B, AB, O. Everyone has a blood type. Do you know what yours is? Do you wonder if it’s even important to know?

Your blood type is directly related to the antigens on the surface of your red blood cells. An antigen is a molecule that triggers an immune response if they are foreign to the body.

The four major blood groups are as follows:

·  A: Has the A antigen on red blood cells.

·  B: Has the B antigen on red blood cells.

·  AB: Has both A and B antigens on red blood cells.

·  O: Has no antigens on red blood cells.

Your blood type can further be determined by a protein called the Rh factor. If you have Rh antigens on the surface of your red blood cells, you have Rh positive blood.

If you don’t have Rh antigens on the surface of your red blood cells, you have Rh negative blood.

Due to Rh proteins, blood types can further be broken down into positive and negative types like A+, B+, AB+ and O+ and A-, B-, AB- and O-.

Why is It Important to Know Your Blood Type?

It will be important to know your blood type if you end up in an emergency situation where you need a blood transfusion.

Research has also shown that your blood type can help you determine your risk of certain diseases.

For instance, people with non O blood types have been shown to have a higher risk of developing coronary diseases. They are also more prone to dementia, vascular issues, cancer, blood clots, and inflammation.

Some people believe that knowing your blood type can also help you make the right decisions in following a diet that provides optimal health.

How Do You Find Out Your Blood Type?

When you are born, your doctor will take a blood sample to determine your blood type. This is information that stays on your medical records and it is used as needed throughout your life.

One of two medical procedures are used to determine blood type, forward typing or reverse typing.

In forward typing, your blood cells are mixed with antibodies against type A and B blood to see whether your cells react to the antibodies by sticking together. So if your antibodies react with type B blood antibodies, you have B type blood.

In reverse typing, the liquid part of your blood that does not contain red blood cells is mixed with type A and B blood cells. If your blood reacts to A antibodies it means you have type B blood. If it reacts to B antibodies, you have type A blood.

Type O blood has A and B antibodies and will not react to either.

If you can’t remember what your blood type is and would like to access this information without a visit to the doctor, there are home kits you can use. The D Adamo Personalized Nutrition Home Blood Typing Kit is a recommended choice.

D Adamo Personalized Nutrition is a brand dedicated to supporting those who follow the Blood Type and GenoType Diet, diets based on the theory that if you eat food suited to your blood type, your body will digest it more efficiently. Their Home Blood Typing Kit has everything you need to determine your blood type. It will provide you with the ability to make the right choices in leading a higher quality of life.

Now that you know the importance of blood type, will you be taking steps to find out what’s going on in your body?