There is enough to panic about when it comes to making sure you are all ready for your big vacation; selecting your itinerary, packing and making sure you have all of the necessary documents on hand for the airport. The very last thing you need is to be worrying about your health!
If you are living with a health condition, it would be best to put a few strategies in place, so you can go on your vacation without worrying about what could go wrong. As they always say, it is better to be safe than sorry.
Below are a few healthcare tips you should be taking into account a couple of weeks before going on vacation.
Go for a checkup with your doctor
If you would feel better knowing you are fighting fit before jetting off, you could always pay a trip to your doctor for a basic check-up. However, this would be especially important if you are traveling overseas and are worried about an existing complaint. Doctors will be able to give you some well-needed advice in terms of how to take care of your condition while away from home, what you should be wary of, as well as prescribing you with the necessary medication.
Be safe on the plane
For those who suffer from breathing issues and especially COPD, plane travel may seem like a traumatic event. When flying in high altitudes, the transfer of oxygen is not as efficient for those living with COPD. However, COPD sufferers can still fly providing they are traveling with oxygen equipment. There are some cases when travelers are unable to carry oxygen tanks or liquids onto a plane, but there are battery-powered oxygen concentrators available, which are okay to take with you.
Pack enough medication
While the doctor may have prescribed you with certain medications to see you through your trip, it would always be worth packing the essentials in the event of an emergency. You shouldn’t rely on drug stores as you may at home, as it is not certain that you will be near one, especially if you are out in the suburbs. Be sure to check the medication laws of the country you are traveling to, as there are often regulations on the type and amount of medication you can bring with you. If you have any doubts at all, take a browse online or check with your doctor.
Stay active
Although your vacation should give you some time to relax and unwind, it would be advised to keep moving as much as you are comfortable with. You may decide to go for a gentle stroll or, if you prefer a bit more of a challenge, why not go on a hiking adventure? Staying active keeps your blood pumping and has even been recognized as a method for boosting your mood.
Get enough sleep
While on vacation, sleep is probably the last thing on your mind, especially as there is so much to see and do. It is easy to stay up until the early hours of the morning and still wake up at the crack of dawn to start your daily activities. If you keep up this type of routine throughout your trip, you are sure to burn the candle at both ends. Make sure you are getting enough sleep for your body to stay refreshed, which is even more important if you are in a different time zone and suffering from jet lag.