How to Take CBD as a Natural Pain Reliever

Ibuprofen and aspirin is the most common method to relieve any type of pain, but there is a natural alternative, which is CBD. Many people have been hesitant about using CBD for pain, as there is an idea that it could act as a psychoactive but that is not accurate.

CBD has gone under many studies to ensure that it is safe to use and has a lot of misconceptions about consistent use. The recent studies have proven that CBD can be used as an anti-inflammatory and is better to use as pain medication than the traditional over the counter drugs.

Using CBD can help with many conditions such as anxiety, stress, lack of sleep, muscle aches, and more. There are many methods to use CBD effectively and if you are new to this, you may get overwhelmed.

CBD is an incredible way to relieve pain naturally without side effects. Remedy Review has a great collection of CBD oils, creams, edibles, and capsules that can be used by beginners and CBD experts.

Here are the best methods to take CBD:

Ingest it orally

The most common way to receive a daily dose of CBD is taking it orally. It is a great method for new users, as you won’t have to worry about whether you are taking the accurate dosage or not.

Each capsule and pill is pre-measured and has the same amount of CBD concentration. It is recommended to start off with a 25mg capsule and slowly increase the dosage over time.

It will take about 45 minutes to work its magic on your body and relieve the pain.

Underneath the tongue

This method is a favorite among CBD users who need it daily. CBD oil and tinctures are consumed by placing it under the tongue and waiting 10-15 minutes before swallowing. It’s important to wait before swallowing the oil to get the fully concentrated benefit or else it would become less effective.

Some CBD lovers enjoy adding it on top of their food or mixing it with their smoothies in the morning.


Edibles are another great method to get a daily dose of CBD. They come in a large variety and flavors. The most popular edibles are chewy gummies that are fruit flavored such as watermelon, berries, and orange.

This method is great for people who can’t handle the real taste of CBD, as it masks the bitterness of cannabis with sweet flavors.

Topical application

Applying CBD topically is an extremely effective method for muscle aches and to target certain areas. If you have muscle aches that are painful consider using CBD cream and massage the targeted areas.

Topical application is great for athletes who suffered an injury, as it works quickly to relieve the pain. It is also frequently packaged with other natural remedies for muscle aches and herbal medicine.


Whether you need it for muscle pain or you are suffering from lack of appetite, CBD products are the best natural relievers to treat such conditions.