Introducing 5 Effective Stretching Techniques to Get Rid Of Sciatica Pain

If you are suffering from any kind of severe pain in the lower back or the gluteal region, then it must be the sign of sciatica. There are several reasons due to which the sciatica pain could occur, but the genuine pain occurs when the pain travels below the knee. As a result, if one is experiencing sciatica, one of the best things that one could do is getting on their feet and performing some of the stretching exercises.

There are different types of techniques or sciatica stretches for pain relief which one can do easily. So, let us have a look at the 5 best sciatica stretch techniques for quick relief from pain:

  • Knee to chest stretch: This stretching technique helps in improving the flexibility of the lower back. In this technique, one has to lie on their lower back while placing a small flat cushion under the head. Also, one can bend their knees while keeping the feet straight and hip-width apart. The upper body should be kept relaxed and the chin must be gently tucked in. One has to make sure that stretching should be done as far as it is comfortable. Also, one has not to tense up through the neck, chest or shoulders. Along with that one can try a variation by grasping both the knees and pressing into the chest.

  • Sciatic mobilizing stretch: This technique mobilizes the sciatic nerve and the hamstrings. In this technique, one has to lie on their back while bending the knees and keeping the feet straight as well as the hip-width apart. The upper body needs to be kept relaxed and the chin must be gently tucked in. One has to stretch themselves as far as one feels comfortable and can stop if there is feeling of any kind of pain, tingling or numbness. Also, one should avoid low back down into the floor as one stretches down further.

  • Back extensions: This technique helps in stretching and mobilizing the spine backwards. In this technique, one has to lie on their stomach while propping themselves on their elbows and lengthening up the spine. While performing this technique, one has to avoid bending their neck backwards. Additionally, one has to keep their hips grounded while extending the body as far as comfortable.

  • Standing hamstring stretch: The standing hamstring stretch helps in stretching and lengthening the hamstring muscles. In this technique, one has to stand upright and raise one leg on to a stable object, like a step. Finally, one has to keep that leg straight and toes pointing straight up. Just one thing to keep in mind is that the lower back should not be arched at any time and one has to stretch themselves only as far as comfortable.

  • Lying deep gluteal stretch: This stretching technique helps in stretching and lengthening the Piriformis muscle. One has to just lie on their back and has to bend the left leg and rest their right foot onto the left thigh. Just one has to make sure to avoid their tailbone come off the floor. Also, one can use a towel around the thigh if in case one can grasp their thigh. Also one has to keep their pelvis straight or in a neutral position.

It is recommended to just start slowly and perform what the body can bear. These sciatica back stretching exercises helps one in getting relief from their unbearable pain. Thus, these were some of the techniques that help one in getting rid from sciatica pain.