
Is Drinking Tap Water Safe or Should I Buy a Filter?

Did you know water comprises 60% of our bodies? Up to 90% of our body weight comes from water. Without water, most of our body functions suffer and fail.

To survive, we need about 3 liters of water per day (2.2 liters for females). This makes clean drinking water a necessity. Bottled water can get expensive and one of the most common alternatives is tap water.

While tap water is an available source, is it safe for us to take in?

Let us look at the differences between drinking tap water and filtered water.

1. What Is Tap Water Comprised Of? 

The water we drink comes from a series of treatment processes. After which, it goes through the pipelines and through our faucets. This might make tap water seem clean but we also have to consider where the water originates.

20% of the world’s freshwater supply comes from the ground. The water collected from rain and snow would seep into the ground. They then form into deep ground deposits.

From there, the fresh water would come out to the surface as a spring or from man-made well.

The other source aside from groundwater happens to be surface water. These come from precipitation and groundwater deposits that already reached the surface. 

This form of water needs treatment before it becomes drinkable. After all, the majority of surface water comes from the ocean.

The water drawn from any of these sources flow towards the treatment facilities. From there, experts get rid of impurities and contaminants present in the water. The treated water then goes straight to the tap.

2. What Does Filtered Water Comprise Of?

Filtered water goes through a different purification process. Water from the tap flows towards a series of filtering agents. 

The aim is to further eliminate contaminants left over from the treatment process. Among these contaminants include chlorine and other chemicals that could prove harmful.

With this particular process, you get an added degree of thoroughness in water treatment. Filtered water works well not only for drinking but also for food preparation. The only downside is that you need to shell out a bit more for better quality.

3. Differences Between Tap Water and Filtered Water

It’s easy to notice a vast number of differences between these two types of treatments.

Let’s start with the processing and treatment of water. Tap water only has water treatment from the facility. It may be safe to drink, but you always risk the chance of harmful contaminants still infecting the water.

You risk exposure from breaks in the water lines and contaminants in the pipes. You could encounter microorganisms, chemicals from spraying crops, or nitrates from fertilizers. There are also times where traces of lead can get into the water.

To ensure safety, government authorities like the EPA issue advisories set out when water quality gets compromised. They also have channels open for any reports or complaints when this occurs as well as routine checks on the water supply

Don’t always assume bottled water is safe to drink either. It’s possible that the company only used tap water, instead of the claims on the packaging.

Filtered water offers a different taste compared to tap water. This is due to the extra steps provided in purifying the water. Remember that clean water should have no smell or taste, achievable through proper filtering.

Letting the tap water pass through the filters would also mean that it becomes cleaner, safer, and drinkable for everyone.

4. Health Benefits and Risks with Drinking Tap Water

We mentioned the risks earlier with drinking tap water in the previous section. While deemed safe due to the water treatment system that it goes through, it may not be the same for certain people with health risks. Consider patients undergoing chemotherapy, for example.

Though this may be the case, tap water also has its benefits. It comes with minerals that can prove helpful to the body’s health. One notable instance is that tap water may contain fluoride in it, capable of bolstering and assisting in good oral health.

Other minerals of note include calcium, magnesium, and sodium. There may also be a small amount of selenium and potassium, though this would depend on the water source. Take note that the maximum acceptable mineral content in drinking water runs as follows:

  • Calcium: 75mg/l
  • Potassium: 31.1mg/l
  • Magnesium: 30mg/l

Calcium helps strengthen bones, making it a good source aside from milk. It is also helpful with blood coagulation and optimal functioning of the nervous system. 

Magnesium supports the immune system and blood cell turnover. It also aids in a lot of metabolic functions, muscular and nervous activity. 

Sodium is an important mineral when it comes to balancing the electrolyte and water in the body. This is a factor when it comes to the proper functioning of the nervous and cardiac systems. 

5. Which Filters to Take?

When choosing a water filter for your home, consider its functions and features. There are different types of filters which offer varying degrees of purification, though this also means varying degrees in price.

The filter that offers the best degree of water purification is the reverse-osmosis filter. It provides purified water of the best quality but it can be rather expensive due to the technology used.

Meanwhile, the closest contender after this type of filter is a carbon filtration system. This one is a bit friendlier on the budget while still providing quality treatment.

To help you with deciding which one you need, check out this site for quality filtration systems.

Having Clean Water Is a Big Deal!

Ensuring that you drink water is a matter that can spell whether you get sick or not. Check your water sources to ensure that they provide you water free of contaminants. Stop drinking tap water if you’re uncertain of its treatment process.

If you err towards being careful, have a filtration system installed in your home. This should get you clean drinking water without worries.

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