Nearly Perfect: The Most Popular Apps Available Today

In the past decade, many popular companies have launched loyalty and rewards programs that can be accessed through an app. These programs incentivize loyal customers to use the App to shop, order, and plan, all at their fingertips. Some of the most popular apps have nearly perfect 5-star ratings on Google Play and the App Store, boosting these companies’ popularity across the board.

Some notable food-related brands that have found success on smartphone applications are Chick-fil-A, McDonald’s, and Starbucks, among many others. Similarly shopping apps like Etsy, Lululemon, Walmart, Amazon, and Nike are in the top ten on both Google Play and the App Store. In terms of travel apps, Fly Delta is overwhelmingly the most popular app, followed closely by Uber, Lyft, Airbnb, Expedia, and IHG.

These companies already have such large consumer bases, it is no surprise that they have found success in the digital space as well. These services for some may be deemed essential, boosting the usage of these apps and the services as a whole. Especially as we move further into this era of technological advancement that we are in, these apps will without a doubt continue to soar in popularity. The future is certainly bright, and the potential for growth is inevitable.

How Do Consumers Rate the Top Loyalty Rewards Apps