The Worldwide Globalization Process
The globalization process is a breakneck-speed, never-ending cycle of opening up a country’s market to influence from the rest of the world. The process has been at work since the 1400s when trade began to develop, and people across oceans and lands had their commerce intertwined to create a shared global market. Here are some of the worldwide globalization processes.
1. Social Globalization and Inequality
The worldwide globalization process has fueled an increase in income inequality. Less powerful countries have experienced a decrease in their global market share over the past several decades. This has led to smaller economies, fewer jobs, and more poverty while wealthy countries continue to grow. While we all hope it doesn’t work this way, the other option is death and destruction as humans race to wipe out each other with nuclear weapons or zealots take over a country with fanatical religious beliefs.
2. Market Globalization
The worldwide globalization process has extended to the markets, with new international markets being created daily. As states become more open, they explore new ways to connect with the rest of the world. This leads to innovations that become commonplace in the global economy. The result is new ideas and technologies that make life better for everyone. For example, cell phones and wireless internet have taken over much of our daily lives, making us happier and more productive. Dr. Jordan Sudberg advises, “Overall, the worldwide globalization process benefits the world because it allows people to have more choices and better living conditions.”
3. Media Globalization
The process of globalization has had an impact on the mass media, too. The internet has allowed us to bypass national governments and have more control over our news sources. We can also see things our governments don’t want us to see, like the truth about a country’s leaders. At the same time, we have more access to international media and news, which allows us to avoid propaganda and learn about other cultures.
4. Political Globalization and the Nation-State
As worldwide globalization continues to spread, nation-states are still relevant and necessary to our everyday lives. Every day we interact with governments at all levels, from our local town governments to international organizations like the UN. Since we have such a wide variety of governments, it becomes necessary for some overarching body to hold them together and make rules they must abide by. The result is that the United Nations and similar bodies monitor national governments and work on common goals.
5. Human Globalization
Finally, the worldwide globalization process has impacted our species. Humans have long been migratory creatures, and we have always migrated in search of better resources. Over the past few centuries, this has changed as we have learned not to take over land or destroy entire ecosystems to get what we need. Instead, we have turned to cooperation and trade to ensure everyone gets what they need. According to pain management specialist Dr. Jordan Sudberg, the worldwide globalization process has saved Western civilization from dealing with a major extinction in the future.
The worldwide globalization process is complicated and has taken centuries to come together. While it can be scary, there is plenty of evidence that the process creates a better world for everyone involved.