What Is TMJ And How Can A Chiropractor Help?

Chiropractors in America treat more than 35 million Americans every year. The conditions, which are managed by chiropractors, include back pain, sciatica, neck pain as well as chronic headaches. They may even offer some relief for conditions that you may seek treatment for at a dentist. That is correct; many chiropractors can bring relief for TMJ pain.

What is TMJ?

A temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a condition that affects the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the area surrounding your jaw as well as facial muscles near it. The terms TMJ and TMD respectively are used for describing issues in the area that is connecting the skull and the jaw. Symptoms can be different for every patient, but they generally include swelling, pain, movement issues, headaches, neck aches, clicking or popping, and problems with talking and eating. The causes of TMJ can vary from a jaw injury, poor alignment, bruxism (teeth grinding), and stress. Sometimes, there is not a known cause, with the symptoms inexplicably disappearing or recurring without warning.

How Is TMJ Typically

Conventionally, a dental professional, who may utilize various approaches in treating the condition, will evaluate TMD, or TMJ. A Grand Rapids Chiropractor generally recommends anti-inflammatory drugs and lifestyle changes (for instance, eating soft foods until the symptoms go away, wearing a mouth guard at night, using cold compresses or heat). Acupuncture, stress reduction, and self-massage may also be part of the treatment plan. In more severe cases, surgeries or injections may be necessitated. However, most patients benefit from lifestyle changes that are usually sufficient to permit the symptoms to dissipate on their own over time.

Can Chiropractic Treatment
Assist With TMJ Symptoms?

Many patients do not understand that there may be additional ways of treating their TMD, for instance, how a chiropractor can assist with these unfavorable symptoms. In the cases in which TMJ pain may be the result of excessive tension or physical strain, which is often accompanying emotional stress, a chiropractor can reduce the pain related to a patient’s jaw condition by realigning the body. By paying attention to any dysfunction in a patient’s neck and spine, it is probable to lower nerve pressure and offer relief for TMD pain. Different chiropractors may use various techniques to gain positive results for TMJ-associated pain. Although much of the substantiation to support the utilization of chiropractic treatment for TMD is anecdotal, it is evident that many patients find some relief by undergoing chiropractic treatment. This kind of care can determine the root cause instead of just treating the symptoms. With ongoing chiropractic care, even patients who are not experiencing severe issues due to TMJ can enhance their overall health. However, it is necessary to note that dental intervention, as well as lifestyle changes, may still be necessitated in addition to enlisting the help of a chiropractor to treat TMD. Contrary to what most people believe, chiropractic care is not just for treating obvious back pain. This type of treatment can be useful in treating several other conditions.