Josh Nass on Doximity is a profile in courage, exhibiting the sort of medical professionalism that social profiles deserve to have. There needs to be more virtual and digital content that allows consumers the tools they need to be able to research the background of the medical professionals they choose to visit and have care for them. When there is such a profoundly personal choice and decision made among people, such as choosing one’s physician, consumers should be as well informed as possible.
Josh Nass Hackster understands that this is important; but nevertheless contends that there should be changes made in a rapid fashion to reformulate the way the medical community views the technological market. There is much change taking place in the way audiences consume research and methodically calculate for risk in the marketplace. That research should yield results to the public that consumers can then use to make educated and well-informed decisions.
It’s both unfair and borderline deceitful for there to be a continued blind cast concerning the trajectory of medical professionals’ digital backgrounds. Tools should not be used to hinder the way these things are employed. Instead, they should be promoted to cast further light on the way medical professionals are evaluated and assessed on the basis of their performance with patients in their medical offices and settings.
Few things are more important and vital to the public interest than promoting a comprehensive understanding of the standing of medical professionals; and how they are treating their patients. This should be something that the public is exposed to. It’s information that will prove invaluable to individuals making decisions about not only their own personal visitation to healthcare professionals; but also visitation for their children, acquaintances, families and friends.
So why does there continue to be a rather strange desire on the part of certain members of the medical community to seek to obscure the public’s access to such digital properties, and the information contained therein? This is a question that has been posited by not only ordinary members fo the public, but also certain members of the medical community.
Josh Nass on the Dr Pat Show was debated in rigorous fashion about the privacy that medical professionals deserve to be afforded. A rein of privacy that Dr. Pat contended deserves to be extended to all those in the medical profession – beyond even doctors. According to Dr Pat, nurses, physicians’ assistants, and all other staff members at physician’s offices deserve to have these level of privacy afforded to them.
According to the doctor, there is no room for further hindering the popularity of the medical profession. She contends that if it becomes less popular then it currently is, to enter the healthcare workforce, there could be seriously adverse consequences on the availability of some of these very same professionals that we need so badly. This logic is badly flawed; and I say that for the following reason.
The public interest should trump a medical professional’s privacy. If someone decides to enter the healthcare workforce, they are assuming an extraordinary amount of responsibility in doing so. That assumption of responsibility should not be treated lightly. On the contrary, it is a burden that they will have to take with them through their professional life. That’s not to say that anyone should be condescending toward medical professionals. On the contrary, because of their assumption of responsibility they are rewarded with the type of respect that their title carries.
But with respect, recognition and titles come responsibility. And that’s the part that deserves to be made known – and properly so. There needs to be more of a public outcry to encourage no limitations whatsoever on the ability to access content digitally and otherwise about medical professionals. This is information that they deserve to know about. The public interest in this case is the equivalent of the health of the public. Their physical health is how it would be defined. If being educated and well informed about the various intricacies of medical professionals’ backgrounds will help them make more well-informed choices about which physicians to visit, then this change must happen.
It’s unto the public to make the calculated and important decision to communicate this message in a vocal fashion. The more information; the more well-informed and educated the public can be about making such important decisions and choices in their lives. Let’s err on the side of education. Not on the side of ignorance.