prescription medication

Why Are Prescription Drugs so Expensive?

Prescription Problems

Judge Napolitano believes that the out of pocket cost on prescription medication may seem cumbersome if not well documented for, in one respect there are several ways of looking at this principle and handling it moving towards the future.

In one respect,the rising cost of prescription drugs can be seen as an increased allocation towards a more specific concentration, thereby making the drugs in play more effective in comparison to the past. On the other hand, it increases the need for supplementation like health insurance to levy out the burden as people live longer.

The longer people live, the more people are getting on health care, and it’s easy to see why. At age 65, life expectancy can increase by about 2.0 to 2.5 years, and at age 85, 1.0 to 1.2 years. Keep in mind as time continues, medical treatment increases in efficiency and thus expands the life cycle of individuals with healthcare.

But what about the non-elderly uninsured Americans that do not have any source of health coverage, a number that was growing by about 2.2 million as of 2016, from 26.7 million to 27.9 million in 2019. The problem was simple, neglect. The information was cited in an article written by KFF, titled Key “Facts About The Uninsured Population,” by Jennifer Tolbert, Kendal Orgera, and Anthony Damico.

The article basically exemplifies that even now in Covid-19, it has been and still is a growing problem since the ACA or Affordable Care Act. Simply put, it was not popular by statistical basis of explanation by the younger population. What did this mean leading up to Covid-19?

It means that for many conditions that require medications like many Mental Health Illnesses, Heart Diseases, Asthma, High Blood Pressure, Antidepressants, and Diabetes, have been neglected or an increased burden was placed on the younger population to afford the medication needed. As a general method of statistical basis, because numbers do not guile the eyes, they tell a story of just how bad or good a situation can become. The next few bases are based on previous stats leading up to 2021, with a summation of the problem and a potential solution towards the close.

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension, affects nearly 108 million people in the USA according to the Center of Disease Control. That is roughly an astonishing 45% of the American population. In 2018 alone, nearly half a million deaths were concluded due to this issue in that perspective year. The basis of Hypertension leading to mortality, Stroke or Heart Disease. Leaving about 1 in 4 US Americans with their Blood Pressure under control or 24% according to the CDC website in the article listed “Facts About Hypertension.”

With that one condition alone and the number of uninsured Americans in mind, how much does it cost to supplement medical necessity without healthcare? As we rewind back further we see the trend was still neglected, as in 2015 the out of pocket cost increased 1% annually per year to 2017. The website Healthline, labeled that the increased cost was due to un-regulation of drug companies raising the prices on prescription drugs in an article titled “Out-of-Pocket Cost Go Up When Prescription Drugs Prices Go Up.” A problem that has been neglected by the legislature and the medical community for some time.
The alternative to many conditions with prescription drug purchasing issues is food. For example, Ginger root can provide an alternative to Blood Pressure Medication. Food can do the same things in some instances as medication from a Holistic approach, in respects to medication. Many like Judge Napolitano have taken a stance to ask Washington to lower the cost of these medications, a moral concept Napolitano believes that should be implicated to save the lives of many, in respects to the king capitalist mindset of business over the everyday consumer.