Why is the number of overweight people is increasing?
Undoubtedly everyone knows or at least has heard some prescription for “urgent” weight loss. It is easy to find tips, diets, pills, elixirs, etc. on the Internet. Definitely, but at the same time the number of overweight people in the world is increasing. According to impressive international studies announced in 2017, around one third of the world’s population – roughly 2.2 billion people – is overweight.
This is a double increase compared to 1980. Besides all that, the attempts to lose weight are quite often unsuccessful. The problem is that there are at least 10 mass misconceptions about rapid weight loss and these myths prevent healthy and lasting weight loss. Some of these are related to weight loss, others to diet types. One myth is that you can find a universal recipe for fast weight loss. Everyone has an individual structure of the body and features of the constitution. We should also render an account of the possibilities, the eventual diseases, age, sex, which are related to appropriate foods and activities. Therefore, weight loss should be personal, unrelated to the others and should be consulted with a specialist.
Another fallacy is to lose weight with hunger or half-hunger. These stress the body, it “feels” a threat and slows the metabolism, begins to seek how to accumulate reserves. The already changed metabolism can cause different health problems. And weight loss, if it occurs, will be temporary, because the body is not created for this, and one can not starve for a lifetime. The other extreme is also a delusion – that with heavy physical work over the weekend, for example, we compensate for the offhand nutrition during the week. The fourth fallacy is to rely on medication only – if they were enough, there would be no overweight. To be sure someone is using the right methods to quickly lose weight, it’s good to know what is a fit clinic, as to refer to specialists.
Myths about food for weight loss
Overweight refers to improper nutrition, whereby energy intake exceeds expenditure through physical activity. Improper nutrition, however, means not only a lot as a quantity, but also poorly selected foods, bad combinations, inappropriate consistency, and so on. All this is related to the accumulation of poisons in the body.
Unhealthy eating loads and slows down the digestion; in the digestive tract stay remnants that decay and excrete toxins. These toxins together with the nutrients flow into the body through the blood. Thus, over time, they accumulate and damage the cells, tissues, organs until various diseases start to appear. That is why detox center in Bulgaria has a special weight loss program, which is accompanied by complete purification of the body. The effect of poor nutrition is also due to mistakes with a number of misconceptions in connection with useful foods for weight loss. A bad joke, for example, can play even the fruits that are in themselves useful. If they are consumed immediately as a dessert after the main course, it makes it difficult to decompose the other food because they cause fermentation. They should be interstitial, at least three hours after the previous and before the next meal. Another myth is related to pineapples – that they neutralize greasy food. They have substances that can break down fat, but these substances in the stomach are deactivated and do not affect fat. The next myth is the total consumption of low-calorie foods. They however do not saturate and are eaten more often, so there is no effect. The fourth fallacy is the laxative teas against obesity. In fact, the effect is that the intestinal microflora can be damaged. The fifth fallacy is that sugar consuption have to be stopped completely. It is an important source of energy and the body will struggle to form it from other substances. The use of ice water before eating is also a myth – burning calories for heating is negligible, whereas it is very harmful to the digestion.