When people think of elective cosmetic surgery, the first image that may come to mind is Pamela Anderson’s breast augmentation. According to the 2017 Plastic Surgery Statistics report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the number of people having breast augmentation is up 41 percent from 2000 to 2017. Although breast augmentation is the most advertised type of elective cosmetic surgery, it is purely cosmetic.There’s nothing wrong with enhancing your self image, but elective cosmetic surgery isn’t always considered purely cosmetic. While most insurance companies deem cosmetic procedures unnecessary and refuse to cover it, there are instances when insurance companies and other entities feel that a medical condition is behind the cosmetic procedure and will actually pay for it. There are medical conditions that justify elective surgical procedures like breast reduction, rhinoplasty and hooded eyelid surgery.
Breast reduction
Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is common for both genders. Males often get a breast reduction if they suffer from a testosterone imbalance. This condition is called gynecomastia. This condition can affect one or both breasts and can be treated with a breast reduction surgery or medication. This medical dilemma is often traumatic for men as they can be ashamed to display their bodies in public or with their significant others. The decision to get the surgery can be a preventative measure to ensure that the individual won’t fall into any type of depression from being teased or traumatized physically.
Back pain is a huge epidemic in women and one of the main causes of this pain is the weight of the breasts. This condition is called macromastia. Macromastia causes pain in the neck, back, shoulder and chest wall. Breast reduction surgery can eliminate this pain and allow women to live painlessly and free to be physically active in sports without worries. For women, pregnancy is always a concern and the health benefits of breastfeeding comes second to none. As long as the breast reduction surgery is done with no complications, breastfeeding should not be an issue. With the new surgical techniques breast reductions are minimally invasive and cause little scarring.
Rhinoplasty surgery is a surgery to reshape the nasal cartilage and passages. This surgery is known as a “nose job.” According to the 2017 Plastic Surgery Statistics report, nose reshaping is ranked third on the list of top cosmetic surgical procedures. Contrary to popular belief rhinoplasties are not only for those who have large noses. Breathing problems and birth defects account for a number of the rhinoplasties performed. No one wants to sleep beside someone who snores loudly, the good news is if you have a deviated septum and this is the cause of your snoring it can be cured by having a rhinoplasty. Breathing problems can make it uncomfortable to sleep or exercise. If your breathing problems are from small nasal passages this can be solved by having a rhinoplasty.
Hooded eyelid surgery
Typically, the first noticeable signs of ageing begins with the eyes. Hooded eyelid surgery can correct this problem. Hooded eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is used cosmetically to lift the skin around the eyes to remove any signs of drooping or sagging eyelids. There is also a medical use for blepharoplasty. When the skin around the eyes begin to droop and sag it can affect your peripheral vision, making it harder to see. A functional blepharoplasty is used to remove the excess skin that affects the field of vision.
Going under the knife is always a tough choice especially if you have to go under general anesthesia. Breast reduction, rhinoplasty, or eyelid surgery are three good options to consider if you are having any of the aforementioned issues. Making the choice to having corrective surgery can be to increase your quality of life or to give your self esteem the boost it needs to keep you smiling. Cosmetic surgery can be a necessary evil and it can definitely change your life.