4 Remedies for Wisdom Tooth Pain

Wisdom teeth, or also known as the third group of molars, develop and emerge in the upper and lower jaws. Wisdom tooth typically develops throughout a person’s adolescence or late twenties. However, they may also grow among middle-aged adults.  

Anybody who has experienced growing wisdom teeth knows how awful they can be. Specific remedies are recommended to reduce wisdom tooth pain before you visit an oral surgeon and have them removed.  

If you’re currently experiencing wisdom tooth pain, here are some remedies you can apply for temporary relief.  

  1. Buy Over-The-Counter Medicines 

An over-the-counter (OTC) pain relief medication is one way to find temporary relief. Ibuprofen is the leading wisdom tooth pain reliever. While it’s effective in alleviating pain, it should not be taken for an extended length of time.   

It’s recommended that you consult your physician, dentist, or pharmacist before using any over-the-counter pain medicines for wisdom tooth pain, especially if you’re taking any prescribed medications. While these medicines are accessible without a prescription, they can produce severe adverse effects, including overdose. Make sure to follow the dosage recommendations on the label.  

  1. Rinse Mouth With Warm Salt Water  

So far, the most effective home treatment for any dental or gum issue is rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater. Making a mouth rinse with salt water is simple. As its name suggests, you’ll only need salt and warm water.  

In a cup of warm water, simply add 1/2 teaspoon of salt. This can kill dangerous germs and promote gum health. Keeping your mouth clean with this mouth rinse is the best course of action to prevent additional discomfort while experiencing wisdom tooth pain.  

  1. Use An Ice Pack  

If you have a painful wisdom teeth eruption, your cheeks may experience swelling. To decrease puffiness and alleviate the discomfort, consider the time-tested ice pack treatment

Wrap a bag of ice in a towel and apply the pack to the afflicted cheek at about 10- to 15-minute intervals. You may also use a towel to keep the ice pack on the jaw for 15 minutes. Take a 15-minute break and repeat until the wisdom tooth discomfort subsides.  

Using an ice pack on particular regions of the mouth can help soothe any facial, gum, or tooth swelling.  

  1. Try Other Natural Remedies 

There are natural remedies for wisdom tooth pain that are easy to prepare. Here are some of them:  

  • Wheatgrass  

Wheatgrass is a natural antibiotic that helps remove germs and toxins from the mouth, thus, decreasing discomfort. You can reduce the pain by chewing several fresh shoots of wheatgrass gently and spitting them out. Do this as necessary to obtain pain relief. 

  • Peppermint  

Peppermint leaves contain essential oils that can calm the discomfort and decrease inflammation of the area surrounding the wisdom tooth. Try soaking a cotton ball in peppermint extract or spreading the oil directly on your teeth before applying it to sore gums. Cooled-down peppermint tea may also be used as a mouth rinse.  

  • Teabags  

Teabags include tannins which are believed to be anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Brew a cup of tea, then put the drink in the refrigerator with a teabag. Once it has cooled, remove the teabag from the cup and put it immediately on the painful wisdom tooth.  

  • Clove  

Clove has been proven to alleviate pain associated with wisdom tooth growth and other toothaches. Clove oil consists of eugenol, which is a natural anesthetic. Additionally, its antiseptic and antibacterial qualities aid in the prevention of infection.  

Apply a few drops of clove oil on a cotton ball and put it around the painful spot. Reapply twice or three times daily. If you find the clove oil too potent, dilute it with a bit of olive oil.  

Another alternative is to create a paste using one crushed garlic clove, a pinch of rock salt, and a few drops of clove oil. Apply a thick layer and keep it on the sore gums for 5 to 10 minutes. Afterward, rinse it well with warm water. Do this once or twice daily. 



If none of these remedies relieves your wisdom tooth discomfort, you’ll need to visit your dentist. They’ll thoroughly inspect the region and may take an X-ray to see the condition of your wisdom tooth. If they grow at a wrong angle, misalign with the rest of your teeth, and negatively affect your gums, your dentist may suggest a wisdom tooth extraction.  

In the meantime, you can try any of these remedies until your next appointment with the dentist. None of these remedies should be used long-term to alleviate any oral discomfort.  You should always consult your dentist regularly if you want to keep your mouth, teeth, and gums healthy.