5 Dental Breakthroughs That Make Visiting the Dentist a Breeze

Just the thought of going to the dentist can strike fear into the heart of even the bravest person. All of that drilling and pain can cause quite a panic. However, there are many breakthroughs in the field of dentistry that are making a trip to the dentist much easier. Some of these breakthroughs are already available to patients, while one of these breakthroughs is just around the corner.

Air Abrasion

Going to get a cavity filled isn’t a fun prospect. In the past, getting a cavity filled required drilling and local anesthetic to dull the pain. Now, dentists are able to offer a procedure to fill small cavities that requires no drilling or anesthetic. Known as air abrasion, this process uses pulses of air and aluminum oxide pellets directed into a precise area to remove cavities without harming the good part of the tooth.

Dental Lasers

Lasers are revolutionizing modern dentistry. They have a wide variety of uses that are helping to make many dental visits much more pleasant for patients. One of the newer uses of lasers in dentistry involves cleaning away stubborn tartar. In the past, dentists often used ultrasonic cleaners to clean away tartar. At times, the dentist would scrape away at tartar deposits. With new laser technology, dentists can remove tartar and perform periodontal procedures such as root planning in a way that causes much less pain.

CAD/CAM Technologies

When a tooth needs to be restored or when a bridge or partial set of dentures must be fitted, dentists routinely use dental impressions to make a mold. This oozing substance often sickens many patients. Sometimes, the molds made from these impressions are imprecise. Computer technology now allows dentists to map the areas that need restoration or replacement teeth in an extremely accurate manner. Patients will receive a great fit and be very satisfied with the results.


This technology is still in the research phase, but it holds great promise in revolutionizing dentistry as we currently know it. MSH stands for melanocyte stimulating hormone. Scientists have discovered that a gel containing MSH when applied to a tooth will rebuild a tooth with a cavity in about one month.

Dental Software

With technology going as far as it has the past decade it’s no wonder that dentist have jumped aboard the tech train. For example there is a dental software with images that can help the dentist by pulling up your history as it shows them what has been done in the past. This kind of efficiency can help address problem areas quicker and give the dentist a clearer picture of what needs to be done. With updated scheduling software, the dentist’s office can plan for precise appointments with as little waiting as possible and some software programs can even notify you, the patient, of you next appointment via text.

Dentistry is certainly changing for the better. In the years ahead, maybe even these outstanding breakthroughs will be just a memory.