Wherever you think of acquiring food, what comes into your mind? Do you go shopping for it or acquire what you’ve stored from your most recent harvest? These are common questions regarding whether people should shop for food or eat what they’ve grown.
According to how people are brought up, they choose different paths for everything. For instance, some of you enjoy shopping for household items in supermarkets and open markets, including foods. On the contrary, whereas it’s impossible to grow all types of food, others prefer eating what they plant, cultivate, and harvest. Each of you gives reasons for the food choices that you make and justify it, but a fact exists that there’re many benefits of eating food that you’ve grown.
1- You Get More Nutrition
Growing your food enables you to eat it in its freshest form possible. On the contrary, buying food from food stores and supermarkets is not bad, but it cannot be fresh since many processes are involved before farmers get it to the retail outlets. For instance, such food is harvested in bulk, which takes a lot of time. Besides, the food is shipped and distributed to stores, which is a phase that consumes more time, preventing you from acquiring the freshest foods while shopping for them from retail outlets. Such logistic issues do not arise when you grow your food, leading to more nutritional intake.
2- It’s Cheaper Growing Your Food than Buying It
Regardless of how deep your pocket is, buying food is more costly than growing it in your backyard. Although food is basic and the cost of acquiring it should not be an excuse, you can be sure of spending less to acquire a packet of seeds that you can then grow and mature into vegetables, cereals, and other types of food. Growing food is time-consuming, but the savings justify it.
3- It’s More Friendly to the Environment
Although you can’t manage to grow all food types in your backyard, regardless of its size, it’s more friendly to the environment. For instance, people use pesticides and insecticides while cultivating large chunks of land to prevent any damage that can compromise their expected returns on the investments they make. However, you can manage small volumes of food that you grow without using these chemicals that are not friendly to the environment. Besides, transporting foods using vehicles leads to the release of exhaust gases that pollute the environment. You can reduce such emissions by growing your food.
4- Improves Your Activity
Growing certain foods, such as vegetables and some cereals, including mushrooms, demands a schedule to monitor their growth. Although you might have a person helping you to cultivate or weed them, it’s essential to take an active role, helping to improve the body’s physicality, which benefits the heart, muscles, and motor skills.
5- Increases Taste and Pride of What You Eat
People who grow their food report that they find it tastier when compared with foods that they acquire from retail stores. Seeing your family eat food that you’ve taken an active role in growing brings a sense of accomplishment that you can’t find from buying food.