An eye checkup is a great step in taking care of your overall eye health. If you are having trouble with your vision or feel that you have an underlying eye disease, it’s best not to stress it and get an appointment from your trusted eye doctor. All of us have concerns about going to the eye doctor – and even more so if we have a reason for concern.
Knowing how to prepare for the appointment and thinking beforehand is an important part of the eye exam procedure. Here are some helpful tips to help you make the most of your current visit.
Have a Self-Examination At Home:
Self-examination is the act of examining your eyes and body to check whether or not you have any symptoms of a particular disease or illness. It is to be expected to do some basic eye testing of your eye at home. Home eye testing is not thorough, so for a complete medical eye examination, visit an ophthalmologist.
But home eye testing could help you discover a problem that requires professional attention.
Things to Take on Your Appointment:
- Better to take a pal or a family member with you.
- If you wear glasses or contacts, take them with you.
- Make a list of all your operations, health conditions, and allergies.
- List of all the supplements and medication you take daily or have been taking for a while.
- If your doctor will have your pupil’s dilated and most yearly eye exams do, bringing someone with you will help drive you home. Many people can’t see clearly enough to drive safely after having their eyes dilated.
- Your medical vision insurance will be helpful in some procedures.
- Having a list of all the questions you want to ask about your eye health will be quite helpful.
Selecting an Eye Doctor:
Choosing a good eye doctor is as important as selecting a general physician. Your eyes are a window to your overall health. It’s important to take good and needed care of your eyes. Because your eyes are an essential part of everyday life, your choice of a good eye doctor should not be taken lightly.
Generally, there are two kinds of eye doctors; Optometrists and Ophthalmologists.
These certified doctors perform a general checkup and prescribe you medicines accordingly but do not perform eye surgeries. Optometrist Calgary treats eye health problems such as cataracts, glaucoma, or macular.
Ophthalmologists treat all kinds of eye diseases, prescribe medication, and perform surgeries. Optometrists are general eye doctors, but the typical thought will be to go see an ophthalmologist as they are professionals if your eye needs serious care.
Scheduled Follow Up:
If your doctor asked you to come again for a follow-up, you shouldn’t neglect that and revisit. The doctor calls you to examine how the medication has been working for you, so they advise you to continue or stop taking them.
This time, your eye examination process will be simple and straightforward; your eyes will thank you in the end.