After more than a few long months of social distancing, it’s probably safe to say that it’s going to be quite some time before our lives get back to normal. Most of us are missing friends and family now more than ever and not spending as much time with them is difficult, especially in times of stress. That’s why we’ve come up with a list of Sons best suggestions on how to help you keep in touch with your mates, while most of us are in lockdown and everyone else is social distancing.
Zoom dining
Going out to eat at a restaurant or pub is something we definitely took for granted all those months ago. Even so, it’s not impossible to organise a dinner party over Zoom. Get yourself all dressed up, smelling nice and choose a recipe that everybody can cook together. You’ll be surprised how hilarious some of the results can be!
Write letters
That’s right – we’re going back a few decades with this one. The physical element of communication seems to be almost entirely lost nowadays, but nobody can deny the joy that comes from receiving a handwritten letter from a loved one or friend. When you’re stuck at home all day with your eyes glued to a screen, taking the time out to read or write a letter can be a huge relief while keeping you connected physically with your friends and family.
Experiment with online games
Everybody’s probably had enough of online quizzes for one year, don’t you think? Experimenting more with other online games can be a great way to shake things up a bit. For example, there’s plenty of free online poker sites perfect for testing your nerves and skills on a private table. Cards Against Humanity also supplies a brilliantly brutal session of fun with your mates. For something a bit more laid back, there are tons of word play apps like Scrabble or Words With Friends that you can sit back and relax with in your own time.
Have your own online club night
Who isn’t missing those stress relieving nights out on the town? Club nights and standing up in pubs doesn’t look like it’s coming back any time soon. Why not invite all your friends to a special online catch up, get yourself looking sharp and find the perfect DJ stream and make up for all those nights you’ve been missing out on. Round the night off with a cheeky takeaway kebab to keep the realism alive. We know it’s not the same, but we think it will definitely be a lot of fun!
Making sure your mental health doesn’t slide away during lockdown relies on you staying connected with the outside world and engaging with your friends and family. While everyone is cooped up in their homes, it’s important to stay focused on the sweet things in life. Try to change things up as much as possible. Maintaining a healthy connection with your mates and loved ones will help us all make it through together.