Medical malpractice is the medical negligence arising from a health care provider, such as a physician, nurse, therapist, dentist and businesses like clinics and hospitals. Plaintiffs in a medical malpractice case are arguing that they or their party became injured or died as the result of medical errors from the defendants. Although a medical error may seem clear, patients may not realize they are victims of the negligence of their medical provider. Here are four signs that a person may have been a victim of medical malpractice.
Standard Tests
Tests are needed to provide a proper diagnosis. If the patient was given a diagnosis for a medical condition and even went through a medical procedure, but no common diagnostic test for that particular condition was given, then medical malpractice may have occurred. No diagnosis should be given unless a standard test is given to see if the patient has the signs of a illness. Therefore, any patient who can remember never being given a test may need to consider if they were victims of malpractice.
Single Lab Test
No diagnosis should be completely based on one lab test. If a doctor asks for one lab test and suddenly the patient is diagnosed and being treated for a medical illness, this could be a sign of medical malpractice. Standard procedure would mean more tests would be done before a comfortable diagnosis is made. One test is not strong enough, but consult an injury law firm such as the Law Offices of Savin & Bursk before considering if the lab tests or lack of tests are a sign of negligence.
Condition Staying the Same or Worsening
One of the more disturbing signs of a medical malpractice is the patient may not be getting better, or their condition may even deteriorate. Many things could be happening here. The physician may have misdiagnosed so the medical treatment may not be working or making things worse. Or, the physician is not providing all possible treatments that are available to the patient. In either case, this could be a situation of medical malpractice.
No Replies
During and after a medical procedure, every medical professional is trained to listen to the patient’s concerns. No medical provider can refuse to answer questions; every patient has the right to ask about their treatment, their illness and their concerns. If questions go unanswered during the medical visit, then this can be a concerning sign. Another bad sign is if the medical office does not follow-up with the patient. The patient will want to know their prognosis after treatment and what they should and should not be doing after treatment or surgery. If a physician is actually not even checking up on the patient after treatment, this can be a sign medical malpractice occurred.
A patient, the family of the patient, or the executor of an estate can bring to trial a case of medical malpractice if they suspect the medical provider did not perform the right tests, enough tests, try new treatments if the condition stayed the same or worsened or if the medical provider is silent on patient inquiries.