What Are the Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth?
There are a number of symptoms associated with impacted wisdom teeth, including:
- Swollen gums
- Bleeding gums
- Headaches
- Pain inside the mouth
- Swollen cheeks
- Earaches
- Inability to chew food
- Bad taste inside the mouth
- Excess saliva
- Difficulty opening the mouth
The gum tissue and alveolar bones near the impacted wisdom teeth can also become inflamed, affecting the roots of surrounding teeth.
What’s the Risk of Ignoring Impacted Wisdom Teeth?
Without intervention from a dentist, you could develop a pericoronitis infection that spreads to the jawbone. At the same time, the impacted wisdom tooth will push against the other teeth inside the mouth, leading to dental malocclusions. The discomfort from impacted wisdom teeth will increase over time, making wisdom teeth extraction in Melbourne essential.
At What Age Do Wisdom Teeth Normally Become a Problem?
In most cases, wisdom teeth begin to erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. If you’ve had dental examinations twice a year, then you may already know that wisdom teeth impaction is a possibility for you. If your dentist knows that you won’t have enough space in your mouth, they may suggest wisdom teeth removal before any painful symptoms begin.
What Does the Extraction Involve?
The dentist will make a tiny incision in the gum tissue above the impacted wisdom tooth when it’s inside the gums. If the top of the wisdom tooth is visible, then the dentist may not need to make an incision. The dentist will use a special instrument to pull the wisdom tooth out. Occasionally, a wisdom tooth can be impacted in the alveolar bones in the gums, requiring your dentist to use a drill in order to remove the tooth.
What Should I Expect After Extraction?
After wisdom teeth extraction in Melbourne, it’s normal for your gums to bleed, but your dentist will apply absorbent pads to the wisdom tooth’s socket. Some pain may be experienced, but painkillers can be provided to you to minimise pain. Within a few minutes of your wisdom teeth surgery, you should be able to leave the dentist clinic and return home.
How Do You Prevent Dry Socket?
The biggest danger after wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne is having a dry socket. It’s important to follow your dentist’s advice in order to avoid this painful condition. Preventing dry socket involves caring for the area where the wisdom tooth was removed by keeping food particles and air away from the incision. Don’t drink liquids using a straw, and don’t smoke cigarettes. You also shouldn’t rinse your mouth vigorously, as this can prevent a blood clot from developing and increase the chances of dry socket occurring.