
Here’s How to Get Health Insurance Without a Job

Health insurance is a big issue in the lives of many Americans. As we deal with one of the most challenging health crises in recent memory, not having health insurance is at top of mind.

Some estimates say that up to half of American jobs are at risk because of the Coronavirus outbreak. If you find yourself without a job, you are certain to lose your health insurance coverage.

What can you do if you find yourself in the position where you need health insurance?

Read on to learn how to get health insurance without a job.

1. Short Term Health Insurance

If you just lost your job, you’re going to be stressed about money and not having health insurance. Short-term plans are low-cost, high deductible plans that can help you be insured in-between jobs.

Before you start looking at short-term plans, this guide to getting the best short term health insurance plan is worth a read.

A short-term health insurance plan is good to have if you know that you are going to get a job in the near future. Think of it as a stopgap measure.


COBRA stands for the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. It’s a law that requires that you have the opportunity to continue your health insurance coverage after you lose your job.

The problem with COBRA insurance is the cost. When you were getting health insurance from your employer, you’d split the costs with your employer. In some cases, your employer would cover anywhere from 70%-100% of the costs.

The reason why COBRA insurance is so expensive is that you’re now responsible for 100% of the costs of your health insurance. If you just lost your job, you may not be able to afford health insurance coverage.

3. Spouse’s Coverage

If you’re lucky enough to be married or in a domestic partnership, you may be able to get coverage under your partner’s insurance.

It’s not a guarantee because every company handles insurance for spouses, partners, and dependents differently.

In some instances, companies allow it without an issue. Other companies offer it, but employees pay for a larger share of the insurance policy. Still, other companies don’t permit it at all, they just cover the employee.

As you’re evaluating your options, ask your significant other to check with their HR department to see what the options are.

4. Group Health Insurance Plans

Group insurance plans are part of President Trump’s 2017 executive order to allow associations to offer group insurance plans.

As an individual, if you were to get health insurance on your own, it would be more expensive. In a group plan like an association plan, you’re lowering the costs by having people join together.

If you belong to an industry association or trade group, they may offer health insurance plans at a group rate.

The legality of these plans are being contested in court, so you want to keep an eye on the news if you decide to sign up for this plan.

5. Healthcare Marketplace

The biggest change to the healthcare system happened 10 years ago with the passage of the Affordable Care Act.

This allowed individuals and businesses to get health insurance through the Healthcare Marketplace and receive tax credits to apply to health insurance premiums.

There is a brief enrollment period at the end of each year. However, you can apply if you had a change of circumstances outside of the enrollment period.

You apply online at Healthcare.gov and enter your information and income. You’ll get a number of health plan options and an estimate of your tax credit amount.

If you have a significant drop in household income, you may be able to qualify for Medicaid. Medicaid was expanded under the Affordable Care Act. When you fill out your application with the Healthcare Marketplace, you’ll get guidance as to whether or not you qualify.

6. Get a Part-Time Gig with Health Coverage

This isn’t very common anymore, but some companies offer health benefits to part-time employees. It’s not easy to make ends meet on a part-time job, but at least you could have health coverage.

You’ll want to ask potential employers what their benefits are to see if it’s a possibility or not.

7. Move to Another Country

The United States is one of the few countries in the Western world that doesn’t guarantee health insurance for its citizens.

You could go through the process of getting a residential visa in a country that has a lower cost of living and still has a quality healthcare system.

You may have to buy private health insurance in order to obtain the visa, but it’s going to be far less money than what you would pay for health insurance in the U.S.

The health insurance situation is driving a lot of retirees to consider this option. Plus, moving to a place that has a lower cost of living can help them stretch their retirement savings and enjoy a better quality of life.

How to Get Health Insurance Without a Job

Health insurance is a major concern for Americans today. Even if you do have coverage, there’s no guarantee that you’ll be covered when something comes up and you have a health issue to deal with.

You do need health insurance because the risks of financial ruin are too great if something does go wrong with your health.

Even though getting health insurance through work is the most common way to get insured, these tips show you how to get health insurance without a job. The right path to take depends on your situation and how long you think you’ll be without a job.

Do you want more helpful health tips? Check out this site again for more news and information.